The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

@snapchat looking at a screen while you have the flu probably isn’t the greatest idea… chicken noodle soup and a long nap does the trick for me.

@snapchat, I think I have the flu too. All congested and my throat HURTS. This sucks…

Awwww hope everyone who’s ill feels better soon! Everyone is so productive and learning things, and I’m just spending time with my friends haha

@AllSmiles2 Only 1 hour a day :stuck_out_tongue:
@FunintheSun1211 Don’t start researching about the flu, just warning you!

@snapchat I actually am reading a book called the coming plague about all sorts of deadly sicknesses in the past. Really fits with how sick everyone has been lately!

@FunintheSun1211 I’ve read that! It’s a great book

is there anything to do between now and M10 to help chances? visits? anything?

Have any of you, by any chance, read The Unity and Diversity of Life by Cecie and Lisa Starr?

@MaxLMZ, Really? Thats so cool. I’ve never met anyone else who’s read it. It may be one of my favorite books. Does anyone like any Stephen King books? I’m reading one of those now.

I’m reading “Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!” Highly recommend.

That looks good. I’ll have to check it out.

@FunintheSun1211 Stephen King books are masterpieces of literature :smiley:

@AllSmiles2, couldn’t agree more. Do you have a favorite?

Pendergast books by Preston and Child. Really detailed, and mostly set in Manhattan.

@Summer1974 I’ve heard to keep in touch with admissions people but I’m curious what others have to say

@FunintheSun1211 I’d have to say The Shining…

@AllSmiles2 Same, The Shining is one of my favorite books of all time

@fencer557 my favorite book of all time is either Matterhorn, Blink, or TKAM. Shame that they banned TKAM in our school district… :frowning:

I really liked TKAM! What about The Great Gatsby? Have you read it?

What would they ban TKAM? It’s such a good book. @brassarrow, I love The Great Gatsby. @AllSmiles2, I’m reading Misery right now. The Shining is one of my favorites too.

TKAM is really a classic. In all honesty, The Shining is probably second for me, my first favorite is probably Lord of the Flies (what that says about my character, I have no idea :)) )