The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

I just got my SSAT scores back from a 3rd retake, a 99th percentile in reading but a 70th percentile in verbal and 47 percentile in math. Did they mess up or am I going crazy.

@snapchap, Congrats of the 9th percentile!

@snapchat I would send it in so they could superscore all your tests. Congrats on the 99th!

@FunintheSun1211 Thanks!
@AllSmiles2 That’s what I’m planning to do. My scores are all over the spectrum. My scores range from the low 40s to the high 90s.

Has anyone read Dan Brown’s new book Origin?

Nope :frowning: How is it? Would you recommend it to others? I’m looking for a good book right now.


For me, it sucked. Not as much as John Grisham’s Camino Island - another 2 days in my life that I will never get back. The challenge with Dan Brown is that all his books are variations of a theme. So, while great for The DaVinci Code, or even Angels & Demons, it just becomes more of the same the fifth time around.

If you’ve read Amor Towles’ A Gentleman in Moscow (and if you have not, then do so), but have not read his earlier work, Rules of Civility, you should.

+100 for Rules of Civility and A Gentleman in Moscow!!

A lesser known book from a debut author, but one I really enjoyed was The True Story of Hansel & Greek by Louise Murphy. And Secrets She Kept by Cathy Gohlke. I like historical fiction though.

A Gentleman in Moscow just didn’t do it for me. I finished it because it was for book club but ugh. I know I am in the minority…

@MaxLMZ, I love Dan Brown! I have to say I liked some of the other ones more though. @brassarrow, anything by Dan Brown is amazing, especially the Da Vinci Code, and if you read it, my library has an illustrated edition, which looks like an interesting option since the book has references to so many interesting pieces of art. I had to look each on up on my phone!

My dad has a copy of the Da Vinci Code… might borrow it from him. Has anyone read Danielle Steel? I think I’m going to pick up Southern Lights, but I’m not so sure…

@skieurope - Who is putting up the two M10 threads this year? I am not volunteering :wink: but I was wondering if you have coordinated with someone already so you can pin, close and open it up on M10 . I know it’s a ways away but I was curious. Thanks!

@PhotographerMom always thinking ahead! It’s actually only 16 days away…I’m counting down because it’s SPRING BREAK and DS comes home!!! Woot!!

Oh. And yes…computer crashed again. The joys of working virtually

@brassarrow Southern Lights is worth the read. I would highly recommend it to anybody looking for a good read.

@brassarrow, Would defiantly recommend Southern Lights and The Da Vinci Code!

No clue. Anyone want to volunteer? :slight_smile:

@skieurope I’m up for making the decisions thread, but not the stats/EC’s thread.

Just need the O.K. to do so.

@keystosuccess OK with me.