The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

Did anyone else get an email from SSS reminding on behalf in Andover to submit your latest tax returns? Or any other financial aid info requests from other schools

@trynagetthere Yeah.

@snapchat for what schools?

I had to write “inapplicable” for all the US documents as an international student :confused:

Made the process a whole lot easier, though! I feel for you US applicants.

@MaxLMZ I don’t know about the others, but I’m ANYTHING but chill. I’ve told myself over and over again not to get my hopes up so I don’t get disappointed on M10, to the point where I’m incredibly disappointed even from now and I keep obsessing over schools on their websites.

@trynagetthere we got one from SSS on behalf on PA this past week, which is strange as their deadline is May 1. I don’t think we will be able to get our tax returns completed in 2 weeks – hopefully, it does not impact anything.

I am very not chill. I have a countdown on my wall over my desk, a paper chain of days until m10, a gift basket for if I get accepted as a reward, a gift basket for if I don’t get in as a reward, a notification at the beginning of each day o my phone to tell me how many days left, and not to mention it’s all I have been talking about for the last month.

@FunintheSun1211 It’s all I talk about, too! TBH I think my mom is getting tired of hearing me rave about how good the art program at XYZ school is, and the campus this, the STEM that.

If I get rejected I’ll cry into a bowl of icecream for the following two weeks, and if I get accepted I’ll scream into a bowl of icecream while I stalk the school on its website.

@winter2018 late tax returns will make a difference as FA is a huge part of the admissions M10 decisions process (look through the FA threads). They have to be able to divvy up the available FA and assign it to candidates before M10

@FunintheSun1211 we had those countdowns, too. We named it Freedom…I think that says a lot. (Y’all are bringing back our freak out memories)

@brassarrow we stalked schools even prior to M10. Followed their social media accounts etc. still follow them, as sometimes it’s the fastest way to get scores of DSs games, since they play the same schools he applied to!!

I follow two schools’ accounts and they look awesome! I reaaaaaally hope I can go!

@buuzn03, I hear ya!

We submitted our 2016 returns well before the deadline. This email was a reminder for the 2017 tax returns be be uploaded by the deadline set by the school. The fact that PA has a May 1 deadline for these makes me think they will base FA on 2016 returns, and this was just a reminder email that SSS sends out to everyone who has not yet uploaded their 2017 returns. I doubt PA had anything to do with the email.

DC has only applied to PA (I know, I know – but our LPS is a good backup) – there are no other applications that will be affected, so we are good there!

Ohhhh. @Winter2018 I misread. (Again, before Starbucks lol). I thought you were talking about the Mar 1 deadline, which is what we are up against for year 2. Yes, last year they used our 2015s and we had until April for the rest. Which, May should be doable…and only necessary if you actually end up going there. Sorry for the confusion!!

@buuzn03 I do appreciate your advice, which might still be applicable for those who have applied to more schools than PA – we have made many mistakes along the way, and wish we had found CC earlier!

^that was us last year!!! I hope I do better by buuznkid2, even though kid1 is doing just fine!

12 days, 5 hours, 13 minutes, and 13 seconds to go!

Well, in my timezone anyway.

So excited for m10 to just come

Oh god the nostalgia is hitting me like a truck… good luck everyone!

Miss you, @“Nico.campbell” !!! Hope things are going well for you!!!

@Nico.campbell I remember you from last year’s threads! How are you doing?