The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

11 days, 7 hours, 10 minutes, and 36 seconds to go!

Love the countdown! It’s going to be March on Wednesday!

Just being in the month makes it seem so close!

I am just so scared for March 10 right now. I’ve tried finding a new hobby, like @AllSmiles2 suggested, but there’s not much I can do really… I’ve just been making story after story, like an addict over break to keep my mind off of it, but it isn’t working. Oh gosh, well, I hope everyone else is doing better than me. :((

I have been writing some short stories too. They all pretty much suck though, I’m horrible at making plots…

I wish I can write short stories… my stories just end up being at least 15 pages long( not kidding) . All of my works end up being very long, which annoys the crap out of my teachers. I am a very lengthy writer… as you can see from my username lol

The annoying thing is, that my birthday is March 9, right before the dreaded March 10. I don’t even think I can remotely enjoy it when those blasted decisions will be coming…

@InfiniteWordsIsNotEnough that must suck, my sympathy goes to you, especially since schools have a system that sends out birthday emails, so it may be even worse as it looks like they sent you your decisions but in reality, it’s just a birthday message.

I had a new “hobby” which was studying for my state FBLA spreadsheets skills task, but since I took the test last week on Friday, I’m now bored and concerned again, which is just great…

I guess that makes the both of us… lol What schools are you applying to? I’m curious because I only applied to Andover and another tiny school in my area.

I 100% feel you @InfiniteWordsIsNotEnough, I had that problem with essays. I loved Deerfield though since there is no word limit!

Feel ya. Lucky for me, a lot of my schools have rolling admissions. I already know I got into two, now just waiting to see if I got scholarships.

Pick up an obsessive video game. Sounds bad, but I just got back into Minecraft and let me tell you, I’m way more focused on this big subway system that won’t build itself than what Andover will say. Just a suggestion. But you know, don’t let your homework get forgotten…

@woodcal03 All my friends are obsessed with Fortnite…

My SAT is also on M10, which means decisions will be flooding into my email/mailbox while I’m sitting there trying to answer all those questions… I haven’t made up my minds about whether or not to check my email in the morning before the test. I mean it’s gonna suck either way.

You should play GTA Online :wink:

@AllSmiles2 I played Fortnite once. My hiding game was fire… I got fourth place without ever even seeing anyone else at all. I thought it was kinda boring. Minecraft’s where it’s at lol

Currently jumping between a biography on Benjamin Franklin, the Alchemist, and a biography on Jane Franklin… and I just ordered Washington’s Crossing and David McCollough’s Brave Companions off of Amazon. At this rate, I’ll only ever get about half way through each of them, lol

@woodcal03 How!? I played it once and I died 97th place because I landed at Tilted Towers and I only had an ax lmaoo

@snapchat I guess just luck? Lol

Soooo I had a panel interview at this scholarship weekend and I can’t remember one of my interviewers’ name. I looked at the schools’ directory and I think I know who it was but it would be ultra-embarrassing to send a letter to the wrong person…

Does anyone have any advice? Would it hurt me to contact admissions and ask who I spoke with?

@woodcal03 Does the directory or viewbook you received have pictures of faculty?