The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

Is anyone applying to summer programs at boarding schools? If yes, to which ones?

Over 300 posts :wink:

I did the one at Deerfield last year. It was great. PM me with any questions.

@woodcal03 Check the list of faculty. You might recognize your interviewer.

Whoa, it’s been like a few weeks since I last logged on and suddenly, the freakout thread has over 300 posts

I’ve looked through the directory and I’m pretty sure I know who it is, but again, it would be ultra-embarrassing to send a letter to the wrong person

Oh, also, once the dreaded M10 arrives, PLEASE do post your decisions on the decisions thread.

Also, my mid-term exams start on M11 (ughhhh) so I’ll probably spend M8 to M10 studying. Lucky me!

@woodcal03 If you’re sure, then go ahead. And even if it IS the wrong person, I’m pretty sure it’s not that bad.

@woodcal03, if it’s the wrong person, who cares? If it’s the right person than it’s a kind gesture. I would send it.

?? I feel like I should care if it’s the wrong person ??

@woodcal03 I think that there is less harm than good in doing this. Even if you get the name wrong, that person will probably just send it to the correct person… nothing that will make or break your admission chances

I have a phone call with a coach tomorrow… :smiley:

Good Luck!!

@willmo thanks! The time difference makes it hard to arrange phone calls…

9 days, 2 hours, 55 minutes, and 4 seconds to go!

I can’t believe that tomorrow will be March! time has gone by pretty fast, but can’t it go just a bit faster?

It’s really going to kill me, waiting out these last few days. By the time I receive results, I’ll probably die from the suspense.

I feel ya, these last days feel longer than I expected them too

The suspense is real! I’m imagining myself at every school I applied to then imagining my rejection letters!!!

I’m lucky. I’ve already heard from half my schools. I have high doubts about Andover and Exeter, and at this point I’m not even sure I would choose them over the schools I thought were gonna be my safeties at first