The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

@woodcal03 what school y’all apply to?

McCallie and Baylor in Chatanooga. I’ve seen Baylor mentioned a few times but nobody seems to care about McCallie and I’m not sure why. It’s a wonderful school

I’ve been doing the same @snapchat, I have these weird daydreams about every combinations of rejections and acceptances possible. I have my dorm decor picked out, but on the other hand, I have a whole gift basket to cheer me up if I’m rejected. Ahhhh, I think I’m going insane 8-}

Good luck everyone! Also @babymalcolm I’m addicted to that wiki game! And getting good at it, might I say :slight_smile:

I’m not worrying about my admissions decisions as much as I’m worrying about my FA decisions. I can’t attend if we don’t get enough FA, not even through loans (we’re already in debt!)

We are watching TedTalks together as a family each evening :-B

We’re watching new-to-us reruns of the Great British Baking Show. Much less edifying and makes me crave carbs.

I’ve been going to optional morning practices to get M10 off my head…

@woodcal03 mccalie is sure a nice school. would love to apply but it seemed to far for me. would love to live down in the volunteer state some day!

Anybody doing anything interesting this weekend?

I’m not, I think we’re going to my favorite restaurant, a sushi restaurant, this weekend, so that should be fun though.

Sounds fun! I have four races in Canada this weekend.

Going to do some volunteer work and go to the park with my friends.

Also, SPS just released the logins for the online portal!


Same! I just want to know! (But only I’m accepted)

Actually, if I’m rejected closure would be better than this…

I can’t wait! However, it seems like FOREVER! I just want it to come, so I can figure out which path my life is going to take. Worst of all, it’s completely out of my control! Anyway, good luck to anyone applying, regardless if you’re “competing” with me. We’re all in this together!

@snapchat Tennessee’s a pretty nice state. Did anyone watch Survivor last night?

As M10 comes up, I am going to be off of College Confidential. This was quite that solace for when M10 seemed like it couldn’t arrive slower. Whether you realize or not, M10 is in 10 measly days, and it will be here faster than you can finish the millions of chance threads on this forum. May the 10th be with you!

I did! Ghost island is so cool!

Choate and H’kiss have sent emails that say what time the decisions will be released! Also, I have an assignment in school due on March 9! it’s so close. I t̶h̶i̶n̶k̶ know I’m going insane 8-}