The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

To make you more insane, I’ve finally posted the decisions thread as the day is rapidly approaching. Read it and review it in preparation for the big day.

Remember to not post on that thread until 6 AM EST or M10.

@keystosuccess, I’m gonna put up the stats/ecs/decision thread shortly. Yours looks really good, mind if I copy some stuff?

@snapchat Ugh, yes! I’m glad I’m not the only one who’s being driven insane by SPS’ online portal notification/email. I started screaming and my parents thought I got an acceptance letter from them.

…nope, not quite. Still exciting for me, personally.

@randomfloridian NMH sent me when my decision was going to come out and the title made it look like my discussion was already out. I was psyched for a second!

Only one out of seven schools I’m applying has sent me the email about decision release day

@FunintheSun1211, I had utilized what the person who posted the decisions thread last year did and changed some of the information in an attempt to fix some of the mistakes that were made last year. You can totally use some of the stuff that I had used in your stats/ecs/decisions thread, and you can also use the thread from last year for more help in creating the thread.

@randomfloridian, I’ve been checking my email inbox nonstop for the past week just in case some school had sent any information regarding how the decisions would be released or if they had (very low chances) accidentally sent out decisions early, which would be great.

Yep, I copied and pasted the format, but I used some of your FAQ’s and other things @keystosuccess

I am soooo anxious about release you don’t even know! It is so hard to focus. I just want to know already!

Question for all the kids on the thread: will you open your decision emails by yourself and then inform your families or will you open your emails with your parents? What’s the most comfortable scenario for you? My kid and I will be a few time zones away on M10 and not necessarily physically together when the emails will hit. She is making me swear I won’t check on my own if we’re apart at that exact moment :))

Well, I won’t be with my parents all day, but I don’t see myself waiting on them. No chance… Still can’t get over how lucky I am that my favorite schools have rolling admissions. I’ll be at a scholarship weekend thing, so it’s good I won’t be super nervous about those decisions.

I would definitely check the emails by myself first this year.
Last year on M10, my dad checked the emails first. He rushed into my room in the early morning and told me I was accepted into my dream school.
Turned out that his English was not as great as I thought it was and he misread my waitlist email as an acceptance letter.
I think I died a little bit inside (it was 5am on a Saturday morning!)

@MaxLMZ Now I’m scared that that’s going to happen to me…which it probably will. I like to sleep in late. My parents don’t.

@narcissediaz98 I think I’ll probably open up the emails with my family. That day, coincidentally, my family has to go somewhere, so we’ll be waking up early. However, if I wake up earlier than my parents (not likely, but maybe), I think I’ll probably open up the email myself. I can’t help myself. The curiosity would eat me up.

@narcissediaz98 I think that I would feel more excited about acceptances and feel better about the rejections if I was the one to read the decisions, instead of my parents just telling me.

Yeah, same. I’m planning to read them all and then inform my parents.

Okay, after you guys recommended Southern Lights, I read it and just finished it. I’m feeling horribly depressed for Tom Beaumont, and horribly depressed that the book ended so quickly. :frowning:

I think maybe you guys should talk to your parents and let them know how you are feeling in regards to opening decisions. We made a family decision to open them together…seeing it for the first time simultaneously. This was a huge investment and process for your parents, too. So, I agree they shouldn’t be overtaking the process without you, but don’t leave them out, either. DS got so many WLs that he said he was glad we experienced it all together because he had that emotional support. I would’ve been heartbroken after trudging across the country to interviews, writing no revising parent statements, driving to SsATs (the closest one was 6 hours one way), etc, had he not included us in that process. Just something to think about.

I am going to read all of my letters and emails on my own, since I was the one frivonh the process. If there are any letters/packages, I will be the one to get them from the mail.

One of my son’s decisions last year was being posted on the portal at 12 a.m. We asked him if he wanted us to wake him up to check. Lazy Bones said no – CTDad and I should do it ourselves (which we did). He ended up having a snow day on M10, and I had to drag him out of bed to check the Berkshire portal at about 6:30 a.m. The others came via email to my email but I gave them to him to “open.” It worked out fine for us. At his school they had given the 8th graders permission to stay home that day, since a lot had applied to private schools and would have been extremely distracted at school, but then he ended up being home, and DH and I were working at home, so it was a strange day, but he heard from all the schools by mid-morning – no all day waits like some of the schools!

It will be a little different this year being a Saturday – maybe go out for brunch or something to pass the time – and worse when CTKid2 is applying next year and it’s a Sunday!

Good luck to all of you!

so now that we’re sooooo close to m10, how do you plan on opening any decision letters or emails or packages? Are you planning to do it alone, with your family, or is your family going to do it for you and then tell you where you have been accepted? anyone who has applied before, how did you open your decisions. Would you/are you going to do it different this time?