The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

My son said he will probably just wait until the evening of M10 so he can get all the info at once, instead of piecemeal. All of his friends are staying in NYC, and waiting for the school decisions here that should come out within the next week, so he’s been more focused on the public schools (that process has also been ridiculous - there are more than 700 programs at 400 different high schools, and you apply to/rank 12 high schools, in addition to testing for and ranking the 8 specialized high schools). I think it’s probably a good thing, as of the 8 boarding schools he applied to, I think he’s got a shot at getting into 1 (the AO emailed him last week to say she had read his application that day and said some very positive things). I think it will be maybe a couple of WL and mostly rejections. My quirky, nerdy, introspective poet kid doesn’t quite have the personality/conversational skills to overcome a big mismatch in interviewee/Interviewer pairings, and all but 2 of his interviews were with varsity hockey coaches - almost all extremely nice men, but didn’t have much in common. The interviews did not go well, to say the least, and combined with needing a lot of financial aid, I don’t think his chances are great. Can’t wait for this to be over!

Like @CTMom21 , one of DS’s decisions was to be posted at 12am. We asked DS if he wanted us to wake him up to check. He said no but to check at midnight and wake him if it is a yes.

As if waiting for M10 isn’t torturous enough, my kid will be in the middle of a hockey game when the notifications are sent/posted so cjkid wants me to give hand signals from across the ice =))

That’s hilarious, @cj9623 :))

That’s funny @cj9623! Hopefully he won’t be too distracted or anything…I was glad last year that younger DS had a tournament hockey game the evening of M9 so it gave us a distraction during those last few miserable hours.

A couple of years ago, DD had a big qualifier tournament right after M10. With several acceptances in hand, it was like she had drunk Felix Felicis, the Liquid Luck potion from Harry Potter. Each game basically ended as soon as she got to serve. It was unreal. Wishing the same luck to cjkid!

Thank you so much, @GoatMama !!

I think I’m going to wait till M11 afternoon, to read them all at once, and maybe be informed by then if anything is being shipped our way. I have a math exam on M11, so I think checking my decisions on M10 would be way too distracting anyway. (Our weekends are Friday and Saturday)

I’m expecting to have a bowl of ice cream and a bag of cheetos (yeah, I’m not very healthy!) at my side as I check my decisions. As a reward if I get accepted and to console myself if I get rejected. Tbh if I don’t get accepted, every year I spend away from BS (that I would’ve been at BS during, had I been accepted) would be torture.

This week is going to be horrifically long.

It already is horrifically long.

That’s true! Our class has a big project we need to submit by the end of March, so that might keep me a little distracted. Everyone’s procrastinating, though! The project was assigned in late December and we’d barely gotten anything done yet.

Okay, so the freak out I was having a few days ago is over. I received a call from my daughter’s favorite school saying that they had been looking at her financial aid/taxes and something was missing! And, “just to remind you, 2017 taxes are due on Thursday…” We’ve been waiting on papers and hadn’t even filed yet! After my major freak out we got to work and my husband was able to rush the information to the preparer. Next day, Wednesday, preparer says there’s too much for them so we have to take our papers back. Crunch time — we were thankfully able to get them to someone else who pushed us to the front of the line and worked like a horse to get them done! Hooray!!! Yesterday evening I was finally able to upload everything and see check marks. Mental crisis over.

My daughter is only 10 and not applying to Boarding school but local day schools. Not sure yet how we’ll go about reading decisions although she does know they come on M10. We’ve already planned our dinner date, come what may…my kid has a “feeling” about one school she interviewed at, it’ll be interesting to see if she’s right or not.

@SkysTheLimit2007 I had to call our school yesterday because we had not gotten our returns back from our accountant. They were understanding and gave me until 5pm today. I have worn out my refresh button for my email and have crushing Chest Pain…sigh. He keeps telling me 1-2 hours…I cannot handle this stress. @brassarrow I need your ice cream & cheetos!!!

@brassarrow, I have a project due on M9! It makes it feel closer somehow, but I have a feeling, that like you said, this will be one of the longest weeks of my life.

Like @brassarrow and @FunintheSun1211 my class has a whole bunch of work to do at school (which is why I haven’t been on in a while) We have a science research paper (he’s making us create 150 questions and answer them), a social studies project about the Civil War (due Tuesday assigned this Monday), an ELA poster, and a Music test. Basically my teachers need grades for the 2nd trimester.

But the thing it… I love it. I’m not complaining, seriously, I’m getting a buzzing high from all the work. I’ve never been so happy. I’m a workaholic! I admit! I’m very nearly making my research paper 10 pages long (not kidding) when he only said it could be 3.

Oh goodness, what I’m trying to get at here is: Work Helps A Lot! Seriously. If your class doesn’t have a lot of projects or essays or papers due, get some extra credit from a teacher. (I asked my Spanish teacher for a simple book in Spanish and it very cute, and I also like writing so my paper and the journals for my CW project are perfect) Just find what you love, and get some credit in there. Plus, if you don’t get accepted, you’ll know it doesn’t decrease your value AT ALL as a person.

Good luck to you all. :wink:

@InfiniteWordsIsNotEnough I wish I had work to do, but my schools teachers barely give projects, just worksheets and busywork. That’s why I want to go to bs. I do have a research paper due soon, but I can’t work ahead of my teachers schedule :frowning: oh well, I’m reading a good book right now

I have to do a WW2 assignment.

Did I mention it’s a research essay that’s due at 11:59?

My school was handing out squeeze balls for stress relief. I took one and ended up ripping it in pieces.
I think this shows how much stress I’m currently in.