The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

Also I had this dream yesterday about how I got rejected by my DS

That’s the trouble with using acronyms; DS does not mean on this forum what you think it means, and so makes no sense in this context: I got rejected by my dear son (or dear sister). :smiley:

Lol guess I have to spend more time here to learn the culture :wink:

I have had maaaaannnnny on those dreams. I am so released when I wake up, but whenever I’m accepted in a dream, I’m so sad I woke up

It is so weird knowing that the decisions are probably already made :wink:

@CaliMex, I know the feeling, I had an “existential crisis” (so to speak), earlier in the week thinking that my “fate” at any of the schools that I had applied to was already decided and currently they’re going through their systems, adding in who would be getting accepted, waitlisted, or rejected, and getting all of their mail out information and packages ready for shipment.

The weird thing for me is knowing there’s a committee of people in Boston who are paid to judge my soul and discuss everything about me. And they probably rejected me. But what do I care? Honestly, I’m pretty much set for either McCallie or Baylor no matter what at this point.

I know! Hopefully, I’ve gotten lots of FA.

DSs school is still deliberating. I think they’re scheduled to meet through Monday, when they’ll have to come up with final decisions.

It’s also weird to think that in one short week we will know where we are accepted

One week!

I guess the Groton decisions, at least, have been made. Noticed the web portal updated sometime this week from: application under review to something like review complete: Decision available on March 10. Didn’t notice any changes like that on other portals.

Guess we’ll know whatever was decided in one week. Good luck everybody.

I haven’t posted much because I’m officially freaking out although trying to protect dd from my anxiety!! Last night I had a dream that seemed to last all night long that it was my senior year of hs (many, many moons ago) and I realized it was Feb/March and I had forgotten to apply to college. I kept trying to confirm that I hadn’t missed the deadline. Right now we are waiting to hear from boarding school next Saturday and have two great day school accepts in NYC. I’d be happy for dd whatever she decides but just want to know where she is going next year!! Then I can worry about that

@bsmom2004 I hear you! Last night I had terrible dream that DK didn’t get accepted to Loomis…I awoke with dread - then I realized that DK hadn’t even applied there! Time to call the experts ~X(

But seriously folks, please consider the advice of parents who have been through this week before…don’t let your kids see you panic! They will pick up on your anxiety, your wishes, your BS fantasies and your temporary psychosis…so just try to chill!! Do something to distract yourself. Go to a movie (it’s dark so they can’t see the anxiety sketched on your face), go out to dinner, go to a museum, eat Brownie Brittle, etc…also, consider preparing yourself as a parent for keeping your emotions in check for decision day. After they read that decision online, they may read your face.

+100 to what @Golfgr8 said. The M10 process and the subsequent decisions will make you question your identity, your/your child’s worth, the basis of our social order, and just about anything else. You’ll be assaulted by anxieties and a hurricane of emotions you didn’t think you were susceptible to. Protect yourself. Do what works for you to keep you calm, same, and rational. I personally got off CC for a few days, as I felt that the echo chamber of M10 frenzy is not helping.

By now, most decisions have been made, you just need to wait to find out. I know the suspense is killing you, but twisting yourself into knots changes nothing. It just wastes a perfectly fine week of your life. Go back to the basics: get outdoors, spend time with your family, do what makes you feel good about and proud of yourself.

You’re worthy and valuable. No institutional priority can change that. Hugs from the GoatFamily!

Agree with @Golfgr8. Don’t let them know. DS and I talked about it this week…I told him I felt bad for everyone who was anxious waiting for M10, etc and can you believe that was us last year… he looked at me and said, yeah, but we never got anxious or worried.
:)) Little does he know!!! So, all you prospective BS parents, come here to vent your anxieties, worries, etc during the school day, so that when DKs get home you can be the pillar of peace! Right now we’ve just been hit with a crazy business restructure that caused our taxes to explode and now we are extremely worried about how we are going to pay for BS next year, not to mention the huge tax assessment we are told we suddenly owe…but our kids have no clue and I intend to keep it that way for as long as I can.
As far as decision day…@golfgr8 makes another good point. We had a disappointing M10 and I knew that DS was feeling defeated. It was so important to focus on the positive and be supportive while he read one WL after another. I came to CC afterwards and y’all let me lament, feel,sorry for myself and release my emotions while also making me put my big girl panties on and realize the true chances of being removed from the wait list (tough love here on CC, but it is sometimes crucial), so I could continue to be supportive and encouraging to DS without giving him false hope.
I think it’s so important for parents to be on board as a united front in this process! If you ever need to release the “freakout” privately, you can PM me anytime! I’ve been there. I kinda still am!!!

Listen to the wisdom of @GoatMama , @buuzn03. and others who have lived through previous March 10 campaigns. One of the really positive things that came out of sharing our experiences on CC are supportive friendships!

Does anyone know by when the schools have already made the decisions, and are just waiting to release them on m10?

Yes - the schools know. The only important date for applicants/parents is the notification date, though. Speculation on what date the schools finalize is time better spent on something more productive, IMO.