The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

It’s nice to see how supportive everyone on this thread is being. Especially since we are joined with parents and students who have gone through a similar process in earlier years. CC can be a great site to vent and get emotional support, but I think I will be off of CC from March 9th till after I get my decisions. CC just gets me too hyped, and right then is when I need to remember not to get to stressed. I recommend this to at least a few people- NOBODY IMPARTICULAR, OF COURSE!- to take a breather, and try and see the bigger picture- whatever that might be for you.

But if being on CC truly helps, and you truly do need that “tough love” from everyone here on CC, then by all means-go right ahead! Everything will happen in due time, and whatever that thing is- it happened for a reason. Truly, it did. :slight_smile:

Plus, we got 400 posts guys! =D> :))

Wow last year on M3 we had 403 posts — Seems like we are freaking out at the same rate as folks last year did :slight_smile:

Being a math nerd I almost attempted to plot a graph of the change in post# with regard to time

I know how you feel…

OK here's the data from last year's freakout thread---- just for fun:

of Posts Date

3.3 403
3.4 408
3.5 415
3.6 422
3.7 494
3.8 552
3.9(by noon) 577
3.9(midnight) 736

Decisions are still being made in at least one school - received an email from an AO today asking us where the school ranked in my son’s list. My guess is that they’re figuring out if offering him a spot/financial aid will be a wasted offer or not…

Lets break their record

Yeah @GrotonKid123, let’s break that number

I hope schools have decided to admit me already!

wow @momof3nyc was your son ready to answer that question?

No, he wasn’t! We talked about it and answered very honestly - that the school was high on his list, but any decision would be based on the financial aid situation more than anything else.

We also went through the possible outcomes (complicated for us by the fact we’re also waiting on NYC public results - he may have an excellent option here, or may not), and I think for the first time, making this decision became real.

@momof3nyc which school did the AO send that to your son??

@GrotonKid123 I hope you can understand why I don’t want to name the school in the thread - but don’t worry, it wasn’t Groton :wink:

I have never heard of anyone getting an email from a school asking about where the school was on your list, is that allowed?

It technically is allowed, as it doesn’t violate the Ten Schools Admission Organization Membership or actually say the family where her son stands. And @momof3nyc I don’t want to jynx it or anything but Imma say it anyway: I am so excited for you and your son.

Also I’ve read on a previous thread a loooong while ago, that a person can get to know whether or not they got a package coming in from FedEX sent by the school. I laughed when I read it, because it seemed desperate but brilliant at the same time. What’d you guys think of it?

I got first place in the men’s coxed quad! We went 6:40!!! How’s everybody else doing today?

I think it’s pretty interesting, but I don’t want to do it, ‘cause I might jynx myself! :-/

GolfKiddo has a golf tournament on Saturday so we may be going online from between the holes :(( Hoping there will be cell service!!