The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

is school closed for yall?

Nope. (One of the reasons I’m choosing to leave west coast…)

At boarding schools you barely get any days off though unless there’s a significant number of Day students.

school closed? i wish!! it’s only my second week back but i’ve got to wait till the end of march for my easter break :frowning:

@CaliMex @woodcal03 Yes, Thomas Jefferson School in St. Louis. It’s an excellent school, but smaller than a lot of schools.

80% is amazing! What school has already sent the notifications? I am assuming they will send the FA package with the acceptance, right?!

^ Not necessarily. Often the FA package arrives a couple of days later.

I am having a day school freakout. Please forgive me for venting it here but I think it will pass esp if I just air it out. My daughter visited her two day school choices. She was accepted a her top choice for day school and then we are waiting for BS on M10. She visited her other day school acceptance (which was a safety that we liked just fine) and seems to be really interested. I’m worried that she’s really drawn to it because it’s close to our apt in NYC and she could walk. This is a fine, even great school but I never pictured her there. It was probably ranked fifth or sixth on her list and we applied as a safety school. I found out that dd won’t be able to take computer programming there until sophomore year and even then it will be an intro course. She has been programming for a couple of years now, doing girls coding programs and is already on to her second programming language. Not taking computer science first year and then being required to take an intro course sophomore year seems like such a waste. Her other day school option is a commute to another borough and her boarding school options have really strong STEM programs and seemed to really value her interest in computer science. I’m afraid she is going to want to choose the close day school. I would never make her go to BS but she was the one who expressed interest (as a way to deal with her worry about a NYC commute). I"ve fallen in love with one of her bs choices and I think her chances are really good that she’ll get in. I’m trying to remain neutral so that’s why I"m expressing it here. I would be so disappointed if she chose the safety school. I think bs and the other day school would be amazing opportunities for her. I will support her decision whatever it is but I was really surprised to realize how sad I felt at the prospect of one of our choices.

@bsmom2004 I work in Silicon Valley and a lot of our technical stars taught themselves programming. It is a great skill to have (the ability to teach yourself new languages) because they are constantly changing. Those who have only had more formal training via university degrees aren’t always able to keep up. So I wouldn’t let the availability of computer science courses freshman year dictate your choices.

Another observation from working in Silicon Valley: Some of our strongest executives are those with the strongest “soft” skills, not technical prowess: those who can lead and inspire teams of technical and non-technical staff alike. It is possible that your girl would have more of an opportunity to develop those skills in a school with easier/closer access to peers after school (at BS or mere blocks away from home.) She may be happier socially, too, since it would be easier to have people over.

I get that part of our job as parents is to stop kids from making decisions that might have negative, life-altering outcomes. This isn’t one of them. You wouldn’t have applied to your closest day school if it were truly horrible :wink:

A lot can change after M10 and the opportunity to revisit and imagine oneself in different settings. Your daughter may change her mind several times before making a decision and may well end up picking your first choice. But I would let her take the lead in choosing because she is the one who will be doing the commuting (or living away from home)… and the one who will benefit or suffer from each school’s particular sets of strengths and weaknesses.

Mother/daughter relationships are hard enough at this age. You won’t get the credit for steering her to what you consider her “better” choice but you will get blamed if she isn’t happy there.

Poem for the Freakout thread:

‘Twas the week before March 10th
And all through this thread
not a “poster” was sleeping -
Decisions to dread!

The applications were submitted
Essays filed away -
Even this “Freak Out” thread cant keep anxiety at bay!

Thanks @sunnyschool, @Buuzn03, @Center and @GoatMama you’re the best -
Your advice is well taken to “give it a rest!”
To all the wise parents and students on this site,
I can’t help but worry - try as I might

Now UPS, FedEx and web tracking are set-
Relief that SSS updates and tax facts are met!

With Mom having a night cap and Dad hiding in his cave
It’s the dream of acceptance, not junk food I crave.

March 10th is soon coming, I admit I feel blue
What decisions are pending? I have NOT a clue!

Thanks to all on CC as I prepare for dejection
Please be there for each other - in case of rejection!!

Now that’s a fine example of channeling anxiety into creative expression! @Golfgr8 Launches the M10 Creative Writing Workshop. =D> =D> =D>

Will Fedex and UPS notification really indicate whether you’re admitted or not…? Cuz I don’t have anything shipping to my house currently.

Woohoo @Golfgr8 ! Was that in your parent statement for applications?!?! I think you should’ve! Love it!

@MaxLMZ it is still early for packages to spur some notification. I thought it would be around the 9th or 8th at earliest. @Golfg8 that was amazing! =D> ^:)^ =D> Thank you for that sweet poem, 'cause it was really good and a nice treat!

I want whatever drink(s) @Golfgr8 is having this week! =D> ^:)^

@CaliMex Thank you so much for the calming words. Everything you say is absolutely true and I know it. She is such an interesting, funny girl I feel like her interest in programming (and Star Wars) is so awesome and I would love for her to connect with like minded peers. She’s the only girl in her middle school programming elective and I don’t want her to lose “steam” during these early teen years because not that many girls share her interests, kwim? The other day school choice fits the bill but you are right, it will be harder to socialize and be engaged with a commute. Did I mention she’s shy and loves to be on her lap top or reading a book? Whatever would encourage her to engage socially and with the community is pretty key. I wish i could swap out the locations for her day school choices. Her younger siblings would probably object!
@Golfgr8 - That poem is AMAZING!! Legendary I might say.

@bsmom2004 Your girl sounds a lot like mine. I bet they’d be pals if they attended the same schools. Where did she apply? (PM is fine.)

Ahhhh! Just found out DS got into his top choice for NYC public school, so even if he gets all rejections this weekend, he has an excellent option close to home. Feeling so relieved!

Congrats @momof3nyc a good feeling indeed! My DD applied to just two BS and has already been accepted to two day options so if Saturday doesn’t go so well, she will be ok locally.

Congrats @momof3nyc !!!