The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

Yay for @momof3nyc!

@MAandMEmom, is this a second, younger daughter that you have? I can’t imagine your older one is changing BSs…

There once were some kids in 8th grade,
whose admissions dues all had been paid.
'Till the 10th they must wait
for a school that is great
to say “join us… and here’s some fin aid!”

I have a tournament all day M10, and I’m so worried about how distracted I’m going to be. The only school I should hear from before I start playing is Exeter, and last night, I dreamt that I got in. Even in the dream, the relief was palpable. If only this becomes reality… aahhh I probably just jinxed myself. I’ve been knocking on wood-and making my friends and family do the same-all week anytime someone dares to say something alluding to my acceptance. It’s silly, but I can’t help but feel like I’m currently on the top of the figurative “maybe” pile, and the AOs are waiting to the last second to move me, and anything I say could mess it all up!! Superstition, of course, but still. My orthodontist asked my mom if we’d be in town for an appointment over spring break, and I actually cringed-I can only hope we’ll be out of town revisiting on those days (knock on wood!!!). Thank goodness it’s been a busy week, I can only imagine how much worse I’d be if I had more time on my hands right now. Ahh!

@emro12, I know that dread I feel the same way. I feel like I am in the maybe folder and my fate depends on whatever I do and say this week. On a related note, do you think most schools have made decisions by now, or are there a few left to go before March 10?

I would really hope no school is still making decisions at this point in time. I know that, according to their social media, Deerfield has already started to prepare their acceptance packages and are sending them out at the end of the week, so they’re done, and I believe that most schools should be done and are now just working on inputting them all into their portals and email systems to send to the applicants, and working on putting together their admissions packages and letters.

@FunintheSun1211 yeah, what @keystosuccess said. Since things have to mailed and portals have to be updated, it would make sense that most schools are probably done deciding. Can’t shake the anxiety, though :-S

I’m pretty sure Andover is finished with their decisions; on the official Andover admissions Instagram, they posted that yesterday was the last day of admissions committee meetings. I’m not sure about the other schools.

SMS said Monday was their last day of deliberations… this is about to get real, y’all!! You’ve done everything you can do to be the best you can be, which is more than most teenagers at this point, so go celebrate yourselves!

@GoatMama correct I also have an 8th grader… Other DD is very happy at her school and it’s the perfect fit for her.

I turned in my current transcript yesterday and my AO replied and took it. Not sure if she’s just trying to be nice or what.

Its so weird to think our fates are decided, but we can’t know

So as someone who is not going through this process in any way this year, GOOD LUCK!

Now is time to take some time off from freaking out and congratulate yourselves on the work that you did in this process and to think about what you may have learned about yourselves. Applying to schools makes you think about who you are and who you want to be and which environment matches up best against that. That kind of self-knowledge is really important, and whether schools accept you or reject you, you OWN that work.

Remember that schools don’t choose students like an Olympic team putting together a relay team. The latter is simply looking for the 4 fastest runners/swimmers for that event. Schools are creating a community and they too know what they’re good at and whom they serve well. When DS went through this process, he was rejected by a school for which his stats were --even for them – at the high end of the range. And he was full pay. (The holy grail here on CC.) Yet as I saw who he became over the next 4 years and had various encounters with the rejecting school (sports, etc.), it became so obvious that he would have lost his soul there And the school where he ended up was perfect for him Which is all to say that if you don’t get into a school that you had your heart set on, don’t think that you weren’t “good enough” but instead that you weren’t “right enough”. It’s easy to think that if you were something that you aren’t (FP, low SES, athlete, legacy, URM), you’d have gotten in, but if you were what you’re not, you wouldn’t be you. Love the school that loves you. And remember, you can only attend one school so you only need one school.

Sending all the best to all of you… You’re already on your way!

Thanks @gardenstategal, I’ve been so stressed these past days hoping that I get into at least one school, but reading things like this makes me feel better that if I’m rejected it will most likely be for something outside my control. I’ve spent some time putting together a gift basket/reward for myself for if I’m rejected, and I think that is a pretty good idea because it gives me something to feel good about when I’m sure to be very upset and disappointed.

@gardenstategal I couldn’t have said it better!!

To quote Winston Churchill:
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal, its the courage to continue that counts.”
We should all remember this on M10.

So my first choice finally called following a scholarship weekend! It was apparently very vague - they didn’t say whether or not I won the scholarship and they asked what we would do if we got the money. We said it was our first choice and the admissions director said he would call the fin aid person (with whom I think we’re pretty good friends). Is this a good sign?

And if they give a good offer, what should we do about the other scholarship weekend coming up? Cancel or just smile and attend?

@woodcal03 Wow which school sent this?? >:D<

I did some ‘snooping’ and found SPS admissions records for 18-19 on their website. Their acceptance rate this year was 15%! 212 were admitted and 141 were Third Former’s

@GrotonKid123 McCallie School. Still super unsure. They said we would get an email from the fin aid person tomorrow

@snapchat Impressive. Would you mind telling how you did it? Is it just the source page or ?