The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

@willmo…agreed. They are not grading your essay as much as they are using it to see who you are. As long as it is well written, as said above, they won’t be “counting off” for small errors! I’ve already told a few people this, as they were doing what you’ve done … DON’T go back to your submitted applications! What’s done is done. No need to rehash or play the ‘if only I’d’ game…you’ll make yourself miserable! Go relax…read a good book, watch a great movie…candy crush…anything but dwell on BS stuff until M10! And good luck…we are all pulling for you!

Ack. S18 thinking of nursing. He got denied at state flagship with nursing but got into the state flagship that doesn’t have nursing! He’s into some lower tier and 1 OOS that have nursing, but no guarantee he’d be admitted to nursing program if he went to those schools. Apparently he’d need 3.8 or 3.9 to even get in after 3 semesters. He’s never been a straight A kid and I don’t see that starting now. Is it wrong to encourage him to go to state flagship? If he’s still interested in nursing after 4 years, it’s much easier to get into a 1 year accelerated nursing degree at that point.


@bsmom2004 if you can afford to lose the day school deposit, you can put it down, for peace of mind. After BS revisits you can decide which way to go.

^this is why I should Starbucks before CC…missed that part of the freakout…yes, we lost our deposit to DSs LDS that was due F15…I think many of us have had to do that.

@bsmom2004 would it be financially plausible to lose the deposit money on the day school? I have no idea what kind of deposit NYC day schools require- in our area $1000 is the norm. If you can swing losing the deposit to make a sound decision on BS then it may be worth it.

Just because you will be away during official revisit days doesn’t mean that you can’t ask to schedule an individual one. If a BS accepts your daughter then it means that they want her to attend. I’m sure she would not be the first student who is not available during an official revisit day. As long as you can get there before April 10th then you will fall within their required time period to reply. I think most schools, and especially the 2 you are applying to, will be accommodating to your schedule in regards to a revisit.

Obviously losing a deposit is not ideal, but it is a huge decision to make between a local day and a BS experience. I completely understand your frustration and anxiety. My son is also applying to a local day and decision day comes before revisit days. But in our case that day school is truly a back up and he knows that BS is his first choice.

I thought about the deposit possibility but we have two more dc applying to high school (in a K-8) in next few years and walking away from a spot after the decision period would close the door for siblings. I wonder if our placement person will be able to get any feedback from any of the schools? Maybe things will be more clear cut than we know. What I hoped was that we could quickly visit top choice bs the week of 3/10 when all choices were in hand. That just won’t be possible I guess. Maybe we’ll do the deposit idea if our daughter really needs that route to make the best decision.

So…I was trying to search threads re schools with strong and unique performing arts programs, and stumbled across this…although a short thread, I love the OPs perspective and think it can be helpful to many applicants!

I have to say…we are thankful for our WLs…although we didn’t feel it at the time. DS LOVES the school he is at, and it is overwhelmingly apparent they appreciate him for who he us…it could not have been a better fit. Had he received other acceptances, we probably would’ve gotten in our own way due to the lure of “prestige” or "competition " etc.

I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, but sometimes I do catch myself repeating it over and over in the midst of situations where I can’t figure out what the dang reason is…I truly hope none of you end up relating to the above post, but the realis, many of you will. I hope you find it helpful.

Oh…and I finally learned about @stargirl3 journey…(it was before my CC time) and applaud her for her successes and difficult decisions!

I took @ChoatieMom and @buuzn03 's advice and decided to post on the freakout thread.

This is my third application cycle, and a lot of you on here seem stressed about M10. My advice? Don’t worry. Because no amount of re-reading essays, thinking about your interview, lying up late at night waiting for M10 will in no way, shape or form, change the results you receive or the amount of time it takes for M10 to arrive.

All of you put your best efforts into the application until January 15, and the result will show on M10.

I’ve mentioned this twice already, and for those of you that read my previous posts, this might be a bit repetitive, but I feel like it should be on the Freak Out thread.

My two cents about “chance me” posts are…don’t post them. You’re free to do whatever you want, but comparing your application with others will bring you false hope or dismay. YOU put your best effort into it; now you wait for the AO’s to make a decision.

To be realistic, all of us are hoping for at least one acceptance letter. But until M10, live a little. Life has a lot to offer, so I suggest you stop reading, close the laptop, and do something to get your mind off of M10.

Ahh! So I’ve applied to one school that I really like, although I wouldn’t say it’s my first choice. I’ve been chosen as a finalist for scholarship, so I have to go back in Feb. Then, if they choose me for the scholarship, I only have a few days to accept, but there’s a chance it’ll expire before M10. However, if I get chosen at one of the M10 schools, I would rather go there… does anyone have advice? I really don’t know what to do…

@woodcal03 I sent you a PM

I have early morning practice that I have to wake up at 5:45 a.m. for every Saturday, so I guess I’ll know at least 2 of my decisions before practice…

DS isn’t applying til next year and I just checked the calendar to double check. MARCH 10, 2019 IS A SUNDAY! ACK! What do you think they’ll do? March 9th or March 11th?

The TSAO, Ten Schools Admissions Organization, which includes popular schools like Exeter and Andover, has an agreement that none of the schools can notify students or families of their admissions decisions before March 10th. I believe that many of the schools utilize an online system in which they input the decisions beforehand, instead of directly on the day, so I believe that any school that sends out decisions via portal or email should not be affected.

For TSAO schools that send out a decision by mail, like Andover, who sends out a package via FedEx to arrive on March 10th and later the decisions will be posted on the Gateway portal, I would assume that all of the decisions would be on the portal on March 10th, but their package may not arrive until the day after.

For any other school that sends out decisions by mail, they may update their policy for next year to align with the calendar, such as, Kimball Union Academy, is sending out decisions on March 9th instead of the 10th, this year, probably because it falls on a weekend.

I just realized I’m anxious for M10, too, because that’s when DS comes home for Spring Break! Hopefully, it will be a celebration day for us all!!!

I am very nervous too! I am a reapplicant and this application cycle might be my last, regardless of whether I get in or not.

@applier1 I hope you took everything you learned from past attempts and applied them! I’m definitely cheering for you to get great news M10!!! And any advice you can give the newbies, I’m sure will be appreciated! Good luck!!!

@buuzn03 Thanks! If any of you have questions feel free to ask away :slight_smile:

I know that when my sister was waiting for her decisions, some came by email the night before, and others came by mail on M10. It was wonderful hearing she was accepted when she received that email, but in a way, I hope that no school that I’ve applied to will send them out the night before!

My DD will also be in the same situation. She was accepted to a day school with a decision date prior to M10. There’s even another day school where she won’t hear until March 15. Just trying to wrap my head around strategy right now.