The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

@AllSmiles2 I need snow breaks :((

@MaxLMZ I’m on the west coast… :((

Same dude @AllSmiles2

@MaxLMZ ät least we have In-n-out :smiley:

Me too! Got top choice for public school in NYC…So so relieved to have a backup option, if BS doesn’t work out on Sat.

@Summer1974 Congratulations!!! =D>

Guys, has anyone gotten a notice from FedEx yet that a package is on its way from Andover? Do you think they do the big FedEx pickup at the end of the day?

@latinrules Is there anyway to check without signing up? I have to wait for a confirmation code because I signed up too late :frowning:

Same @snapchat ! Our fedex confirmation code is suppose to arrive today

Thanks! But now I’m totally panicked, (and I posted this in a new thread). Realized that I didn’t submit my 2017 tax forms and missed that deadline by like a month…so no FA for us? I’m so panicked.

@wheretogo2020 You’re so right and I"m coming around after a day and a couple of nights of worry! If she chooses the day school near us there are so many wonderful opportunities and maybe if she gets out from in front of her laptop she might discover a goldmine of other interests and pursuits. High school is such an amazing opportunity to reinvent yourself, try new things. I shouldn’t assume that won’t happen because the school is in our own backyard.

@Summer1974 Congratulations on your public match in NYC!! It is wonderful to have options.

@MaxLMZ I’m with FedEx live chat asking them if they can check.

My mom just called and they told her the FedEx notification thing is down! She gave them my name and our address and they said there is nothing yet from Andover, MA for me. So I don’t know if that means I didn’t get in

I would “think” that Andover’s packages would go out tomorrow no?

Freaking out btw

@latinrules They couldn’t find anything on their end but I didn’t provide enough info to CS so I might be wrong. I guess hope for the best. Did you get any notif yet?

@latinrules Oh whoops just saw your message. Good luck!

Is Fedex notification down for the entire country?

@snapchat what did you find out in your live chat with fedex?

@MaxLMZ They said there’s no package that’s addressed to my house. Either they haven’t sent it yet or I didn’t get in. I hope it’s the former, but who knows.