The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

They probably will send the package tmr.

Hopefully, but good luck guys!

Time does fly. There’s only 24 hours until my first decision comes out :frowning: and I’m not mentally ready

To quote @ChoatieMom you kids need to get off the phone with FedEx and go out & play!!! East coasters…build a snowman…west coasters and southerners…enjoy the sunshine! I’m wondering how many of you admitted your OCD on your applications!! :))

@buuzn03 We’re kind of out of options when it’s raining and windy outside… :confused: The concept 2 ergometer is a great pastime!

Wait what’s the number that you guys are using to call FedEx

@randomfloridian Online chat is easier but it’s 18004633339

aka 1-800-Go-FedEx

Of course, I have also stated several times that I think this is pointless, only heightens stress, and often results in false positives/negatives. YMMV. :slight_smile:

I’m thinking why call Fedex or UPS, the mail will come soon enough. Also, have a big package coming on Friday already scheduled so won’t be able to tell in any case if there is just the expected package or MAIL!!!

I just checked and nothing has been shipped to my house

I checked, and I have nothing

But it may be shipped tomorrow or I didn’t set it up right, so I’m not to worries


Same here. I think we can conclude that the packages have not been shipped yet.

Phew, gonna check again tomorrow morning. Right now I need to focus on the two labs that are due tmr.

@MaxLMZ I have one on molar mass due tomorrow… :-S

Ok is anyone else being gripped by the “I should’ve done this better…” anxiety? I know it’s too late for me to change anything and that my fate is already sealed into stone, but I’m pretty much freaking out that my entire application was trash and I should’ve done everything better.

Sorry, I had to vent.

Last year they only had 552 posts by the 8th.

@randomfloridian I’m sure that’s a sentiment shared by a large chunk of college applicants. I know I definitely could have done better – all my essays were written the day of their deadlines – but what’s done is done. I feel you, though, even though I know it’s done and over with I can’t keep myself from feeling anxious.