The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

Same boat here. We need FA regardless, so we might start by asking the day school for an extension on the deposit or for an exception to its non-refundability if we get a better offer from a BS.

^It’s unlikely they’ll refund a deposit but they may agree to give you a tax-deductible letter if you ask.

Done. I’m finally done with everything. Now, I wait. It’s only been three minutes since I submitted my complete application and I’m already anxious. I can only imagine how long March 9 is going to be for me :).On the other hand, how are y’all gonna spend your time waiting?

@ephimerally go get a milkshake to celebrate being done! Try and get to the end of candy crush to pass the next few weeks (after schoolwork, of course)!

@ephimerally Congratulations! I just finished my final application today too. I’m probably going to spend all of the newly created free hours making art or reading a book as I can finally do so again, but nothing is going to stop me from following the schools I applied to on social media to “stay updated” but in reality just to continue to freak out about my application some more.

@keytosuccess haha same! what schools are you applying to?

Yes! Same, only I haven’t totally finished, lol… I’m planning to start actually spending time with friends again instead of being an antisocial vampire. It would also be nice to read a book and stay on top of schoolwork

Just submitted my NMH and Gov’s applications!

@woodcal03 and @FunintheSun1211 Congratulations! Now, here comes the wait, luckily it’s only about 37 more days, which in reality, doesn’t seem like much but when you’re anticipating for something to happen it seems like time goes by ten times slower.

@ephimerally I applied to a total of nine schools, which are Deerfield, Exeter, Loomis, Kimball Union, Peddie, Hill, Middlesex, Milton, and Thacher. I attempted to choose a wide range of schools.

I wrote a whole essay about chapstick for Andover. I think it showed my personality pretty well. Just… don’t know what they’ll think of somebody who had to trim down an essay about why he loved chapstick so much. All my friends think it was a stupid idea, although they haven’t read nearly as many books about writing application essays. But I’m still just SO NERVOUS!

It’s nice to be done though; I already feel so relaxed, like I’m not in a huge time crunch this afternoon… I don’t feel bad being on here instead of revising essays and stuff. Not sure I’ve ever felt so good in a while, lol

@keytosuccess wow! nine schools?! sounds like a lot of essays.

@woodcal03 I wrote an essay about uninventing fidget spinners. I’ve been told that it’s a terribe essay subject, but IMO, “odd” essays adds to character. I think it shows the AOs that you’re not some robot and you’re a true human being. Of course, that’s only my opinion. Others might think differently :smiley:

@ephimerally the fidget spinner was my daughter’s first idea as well!

My essays sound so generic compared to yours! Wacky and out there essays add so much character!

@FunintheSun1211 don’t second guess your essay…and don’t compare! You are you…which may seem normal to you, but could be wacky and memorable to the rest of us!

Yup, I wrote more than ten essays in total. I really should have used the SAO more as it would have saved me from writing several essays, but I for some weird reason thought that if I wrote an essay for every specific school through the Gateway application portal I would have a higher chance of admission because the school would think that I was dedicated enough to them to write a separate essay.

Also, your essays are there to show off who you truly are, it’s completely fine, as long as your essay is personal and about yourself, not a repeat of what someone else did.

Thanks so muck @buuzn03! I am pretty confident in them (I spent so much time on them).

@keystosuccess I used Gateway too, but since I’m only applying to five schools, not too much work

I’m really freaked out as well, having nightmares about rejection letters now

@keystosuccess DS applied to 11 schools last year & used Gateway, too. He wrote his gushy off, too! Let’s just say DD will use SAO if at all possible!!

There are some other threads with stuff like that.