The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

I wish I had known about SAO. Seems like it would have saved lots of work.

I have pretty much nothing to do, and it’s a weekend this year, no school to distract me :frowning:

I just joined, but I’ve been a lurker for quite a while. Anyway, I was wondering if there are any games/things we could do to kill time before M10. Like explaining our usernames and profile pics, Never Have I Ever, random questions, etc. If this is already a thing, please let me know.

How is everyone planning on spending M10 this year? I’m hoping to distract myself until that evening to ensure that everything is in.

Woohoo!! I finally finished my application process, as my last interview was today. Now comes the waiting… Was it just me, or did anyone else have to rush on Jan. 15 to finish a ton of applications?

Decisions day is directly at the start of Spring Break for me. While it may be good that I don’t have to go to school sad due to many rejections or waitlists, but that could greatly affect my overall enjoyment and relaxation of spring break.

ok, thanks!

@ephimerally, yeah. My friends just like to argue. Hate to sound cocky or as though I think I have a CLUE how anything about this whole applications thing works (because I don’t, this whole thing’s just been a long blur), but they have no idea what they’re talking about. They’re a bunch of public middle schoolers; I know way more than them about school admissions. But talking about how I apply chapstick for fun is (hopefully) very memorable.

I’m curious; why are fidget spinners bad?? I LOVE fidget spinners! Lol

@woodcal03 At my school they distract so many people and slow down the learning process

I wouldn’t go as far as saying fidget spinners were bad, but they do annoy the hell out of me (that low buzzing noise it makes? grr, no!)

@woodcal03 I want to uninvent them, but I don’t necessarily think they’re bad. As long as they were spun outside of class, I’m fine with them. Unfortunately, many of my classmates chose to spin them in class and sometimes even in my face :-S. Does my first sentence even make sense?

I will say: fidget spinners are really annoying in class. Other than that they’re amazing though

very subjective lol. I honestly think fidget spinners are a thing that will blow over

I feel like writing about “uninventing fidget spinners” comes off as condescending, like if you were to frame it as “people who use fidget spinners are the of the lowest denominator” and things like that. It doesn’t seem like there can be much good-will put into the essay, but hey I can’t be the judge of everything

I’d say I’d uninvent fidget spinner so that I could reinvent them and make a ton of money.

@vwlizard you’re a genius

Fidget spinners used to be VERY popular in my school, but now they are dying down (Thank goodness) @vwlizard I second that

Fidget spinners existed at my school for a period of two months, April and May 2017, as May was the last month of school and no one brought them to school after that. At this point, they are merely an inside joke between everyone at my school.

Also, @vwlizard remember to keep your patents on the fidget spinner, the lady who invented them lost her patent on them and to this day still doesn’t make any money off of her invention.

when you came here or stress relief and then saw pages of discussion on fidget spinner…

@22louisl maybe it does, I’ve never thought of it that way.