The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

Congrats to everyone who got good news today, and hugs to those who didn’t! It will be a great service to the CC community if you post your results and stats in the appropriate threads, below:

@MaxLMZ @IWant2Board @ToughFox @fencer557 @Ravenclaw3 @bsmom2004 @latinrules @bubbles42 @AlfalfaGuy @randomfloridian @Summer1974 @LauriJo @DahliaMom @Happytimes2001 @wowimstressed @keystosuccess @GhostNirvana @woodcal03

To all my fellow slightly-disappointed people, a reminder:

It says a lot that the thing that humbles us is that we weren’t accepted to the top twenty schools in the country. We may not be following the Bushes, but I mean who cares? The people who are gonna be successful in the world will be successful no matter where they go to high school. And the people who apply to boarding school and really invest themselves, like by spending time on this thread, we’re the people who will be successful. So our next goal is to make Andover regret their decision for eternity.

I look forward to hearing all your names again in the future!

@CaliMex email at 6pm and a package from USPS for accepted students…haven’t heard anything yet.

Does anyone know if Hill is sending out acceptance package?

I don`t know why, but I haven’t gotten anything from Exeter until now. Not even an E-mail. Someone knows what is happening? *

Still no word for us as well. Good news elsewhere, but silence on this one!

@zoomazoom Can I send you a message?

@MedeirosJP Sure?


Who else feels like today was just so surreal???

I never could’ve imagined this. The first time I heard about boarding school, I was 7 years old, and my friend’s big sister had gotten into Exeter. I told my mom that I wanted to do that one day. So when she told me, moments before my volleyball game this morning, that I was accepted, I couldn’t even believe it. Lots of happy tears and hugs from my teammates. Feeling very grateful-for my parents, friends, people on this forum, the whole adventure. It still doesn’t even make SENSE to me. Cannot believe I actually got in somewhere. Thank you all, good luck this coming year!!

Now, if only UNC would get it together and win this game… 8-|

@camiknows Same. Mine was Choate.

@willmo I’m so sorry to hear that. You have a very mature sense of mind and I’m sure that any school that accepts you will be lucky to have you. I’ll be hoping that you get off the waiting list soon but as you said, everything happens for a reason and I’m sure you’ll find happiness in whatever the future chooses for you

Thanks @missinghome21 ! It really means a lot to me! Best of luck in your BS future endeavors as well!

@willmo Thank You! I got into several awesome schools so I’m quite happy :slight_smile:

@willmo. Hugs! I am so impressed with your resolve! You are going to succeed no matter what life throws at you with that attitude! Dust yourself off and come back stronger… and also think, maybe it wasn’t you were the wrong fit, but the schools you chose were! I can tell any school would be lucky to have you!

@willmo, I’m sorry to hear that you weren’t accepted, but you have a great attitude and I’m sure you’ll do fantastically wherever you end up for high school. Also, if you’re interested in reapplying to any of the same places next year, remember that being put on the waiting list means that you’re qualified to attend those schools, but they just didn’t have space this year. Best of luck!

@emro12 - Congratulations, and same here! I’d been dreaming about going to Exeter since my brother applied (he was rejected and didn’t reapply), but I never thought I could actually get in! Since I’d heard that the emails came at about 6:30 am, I was starting to get worried when I hadn’t received one, but when I checked my email at 8:10, I couldn’t believe the news. I put the big red envelope Exeter sent on the shelf across from my bed so that when I woke up this morning, I’d know I wasn’t still in a dream. I’m so grateful to my parents, teachers, and everyone else who has helped me with the admissions process, and I can’t wait to start at Exeter in the fall!

Anyone else applied to Westtown? I haven’t gotten my decision yet.

My daughter was waitlisted at Deerfield last yr. She applied again this yr; & waitlisted again. Since DA is her dream school; she didn’t apply any other school this yr. we were devastated, especially her; after 1 yr hard work; ended up in the same spot. we’ll consider to remain on the waiting list; if any of you accepted by DA but decided not to go; please let me know. I know the chance is very low; but we don’t want to give up yet.