The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

One of the schools to which I applied gave me a fidget spinner with their logo on it lol. Wonder how they’d feel about an essay about how terrible fidget spinners are

Who is everyone rooting for tonight?

Couldn’t care less but since I’m applying to Andover I feel like I’m supposed to root for the Patriots. You?

Could care less too, didn’t apply to Andover, instead applied to their rival, Exeter, so since Andover is “supporting” the Patriots, Bill Belichick and Ernie Adams are both Andover alumni, I’m probably supporting the Eagles.

Hey guys! I’ve come to lurk…Apparently I’m supposed to be rooting for the Eagles, but I don’t even follow football

Me either, lol. Is football a big thing at NE schools? I mean Belichick and all, but other than that they don’t seem to emphasize that. And their stadiums aren’t very big. It’s pretty different from the southern schools to which I’m applying that seriously prioritize sports, at least based on their massive facilities

uh guys, fidget spinners were designed for people with mental disabilities — a lot of people with autism and ADHD use fidget spinners to calm themselves down

as much as we dislike the spinners and cubes, maybe we shouldn’t bash them too much? just my personal opinion… i dont have adhd or autism but i know someone who does, and she’s too embarassed to use her fidget spinner anymore because people make fun of it without knowing the actual reason why she’s using it

the whole fidget spinner trend might have passed for us, but they’re still a big deal among people with adhd/autism because they’re a good coping mechanism

(((take this as a learning op?))) :-S

I don’t really follow football either, but I liv in NE, so go Pats I suppose

Hey guys…I have a question and I already know it’s really dumb honestly the more I think about it the more stupid it seems but it’s actually been bothering me for a bit now…so all my life I’ve attended the same all girls school and going to a prep school like the GLADCHEMS (several of which I applied to) would mean two things: 1. I’d be a new student for the first time EVER and 2. Is actually have to learn to talk to guys (…eek). Does anyone have any advice for me if (however unlikely) I was accepted to and able to attend one of the schools I applied to?

Most people will be new, practically all III formers are. A lot of kids will be from a completely different area and know no one nor their surroundings. You will be part of the majority of kids at BS. As far as speaking to boys…yeah, you’ll have to - in classes, on projects etc. It will be no different than working with girls in most situations and being a parent of a boy…most of them are just as worried about having to talk to girls. You’ll be fine!!!

@fencer557 First, calm down about your application, they have already been submitted and now it is time to relax, and congratulate yourself upon the completion of all of your applications.

  1. Do not worry about becoming a new student at one of these schools, there are always new students in every grade level, every year, especially if you are applying for 9th grade, where all of the students are new. Yes, there is the extremely unlikely chance of there being twins or people who went to the same middle school together, but that is a rare occasion in itself and the entire school is not going to know each other before you step on campus for the first time. So, everyone, there will be meeting new people and making new friends, just like you, so don't worry, you're not going to be the only one there attempting to make new friends.
  2. Like in the previous situation, remember to stay calm. I am also a girl, but somehow I have more guy friends than girls. If at first, you aren't comfortable with them, then don't try and pressure yourself to be around them all day. Go slowly, there's no "friendship requirement" at any of these schools, and you shouldn't make yourself think there is one.

As a guy who mostly has friends who are girls, let me just say that you don’t need to worry. Making guy friends doesn’t need to be any different from making girl friends. Just treat them the same (or a bit extra flirty) and you’ll be fine

@fencer557 Trust me, in general, a lot of guys are afraid of approaching girls. Being a new student seems daunting, but keep in mind that everybody else is a “new” student (as @keystosuccess mentioned). Have faith in your application! Best of luck to you!

@fencer557, At the start of the year, (In most cases) EVERYONE is new. And everyone will be excited and ready to make friends. Just be yourself and you’ll do great!

Thanks to everyone for the wonderful advice!

What’s everyone doing to keep their minds off applications until M10? I’m trying to focus on MUN conference seeing as it’s in a few weeks, while also trying to memorize my lines for the school musical (rip)

Just found out I have to go to another school as a finalist for merit-based scholarship ON M10. So I’ll be getting decisions while I’m there… But def looking forward to going.

Hopefully I’ll be able to focus in school again, and hang out with friends. Maybe I’ll even watch some TV! (gasp) lol. Just planning to do the things I used to do in my freetime

I wish I could just sleep until march 10th…can’t stop checking how much further m10 is

@woodcal03 Congrats!!

@randomapplicant1 honestly same, I’m trying to distract myself but I check the countdown I have on my laptop every 2 hours :((