The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

Westtown sent my daughter a letter and a t-shirt yesterday (she received a phone call over the weekend). Her parents got a separate mailing with a car magnet and enrollment/revisit info. We have accepted the Westtown spot and couldn’t be happier. We are going to be out of town for the revisit day but had a great campus visit in the Fall and then when she interviewed so she is sure.

Congratulations @bsmom2004, so happy for you and your daughter!

@dramakid2 Thank you! I enjoyed our communications during the process.

The only place that sent swag was NMH

I was hoping for more… Oh well, maybe on revisits

I got a stickers from PEA and Hotchkiss and that was it, but I’m planning on stocking up on swag during my revisits

Oh yeah, I forgot the window sticker from Hkiss

Umm . . . I’m kind of a newbie at all this (no one in my family has ever gone to prep school). When do revisit days typically happen? I looked online for info about Exeter’s (which is the only relevant one in my case) and I couldn’t find anything about it. Thanks!

They will tell you. But here is a list:

@skieurope Thanks!

@Ravenclaw3 I got a link about the Exeter revisit days in the acceptance email

Hey, does anyone know if Exeter is mostly single dorms or mostly doubles? I’m sure I’ll find out at revisits, but I’m just curious.

Exeter revisit days are March 29,30, April 5,6. They should be in your email and you need to respond to them. Exeter has both doubles and singles. They try their best to accommodate single requests. They will talk about this on revisit day. I’ll be at lunch with the parents for a couple of revisit days. Maybe I’ll get to sit and dine with yours!

What’re you guys wearing for revisits? I’m pretty sure my dad has this ridiculous notion of me showing up in some skirt getup :))

@fencer557 Probably something similar to what I wore to my interview: respectable, within the school’s dress code, not too fancy.

I think I’m going to wear the only dress I own (the same one I wore to all my interviews)

Does anyone know how to write an admission rejection letter to your interviewers/schools?

I would like to know too, there are 3 schools on my list that I REALLY liked but I’m not going to be attending next fall

same @FunintheSun1211
And if I’ve made up my decision and chose not to go to revisit day… Does it mean that I’m not getting anything from the school?

I think letting the schools know as soon as you’re sure is a good first step. It is wise to write a thoughtful note saying how much my you liked the school and appreciate their consideration. Don’t go into detail about why you didn’t choose them, for example. The goal is not to burn any bridges in case you ever want to go there (for some reason), have a younger sibling etc etc. GL