The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

lol, i’ve been dreading when they come. i’ve almost fully recovered from the rejections and i don’t wanna have to start over again.

@Golfgr8 lmao I’ve already read it like 3 times, i cannot stop thinking about how excited I am lol. This fall cannot come any slower for me

@Golfgr8 Absolutely. I’ve even read the parts that irrelevant to me as a day student and the parts that are lists of admins. I can barely wait for my revisit day.

@ravenclaw what day are you going? Maybe I’ll see you among the crowds!

April 6 (the school is Exeter)

I’ll be there! Having lunch with the parents who are revisiting!! (Current PEA mom)

I have read through every part of the school handbook multiple times @Golfgr8. Anyone revisiting Choate on 3/29 or Hkiss on 4/5?

I’m going to Hkiss on 4/5!

Sweet! I’ll PM you

I was feeling pretty certain about which school I was leaning towards… until my first revisit day today. I was really blown away by Episcopal, and it’s going to make deciding so much more difficult!

Anyone visiting Exeter 3/30?

@emro12 That’s great that you had such a good revisit at Episcopal. What did you like about it? Finish your revisits and the decision might be clear. GL!

@emro12 that’s why revisits are so important!!!

Are there any families out there who sent in their deposit/contract before attending their revisit day? Or, are you waiting up until A9 ( after attending the last revisit day ) to send it in?

Believe it or not… this happens quite a bit from all the M10 excitement, irrational nervousness about securing a place , or just being absolutely certain about the school- which is still a leap of faith even if you feel that way. Question: What if you sent in the deposit/ contract already and had serious reservations or just didn’t like the school on revisit day?

I know what I would do… But I’m curious: What you would do if you’re a kid or a parent and that little voice inside your head is screaming Noooooo!!! about your dream school?

Regardless if you sent in the deposit/ contract already or not : Would you listen to the voice or go anyway ?

Edit: What would you do…

Obviously :frowning:

We sent in our milton contract already!

@PhotographerMom it is funny you should ask…and @altablue , I think you can relate…we were only accepted to one school last year. We knew after interviews/tours that it was one of our favorite schools. But…that WL from the big name “prestige” School that was tiptop of his ranked list was a hiccup for DS…he clung on to the maybe for a while. So, we went to revisit day and submitted our contract then, even though the food was very disappointing (@nico.campbell :)) ). Needless to say, everything happens for a reason because DS is truly in his “dream school”. Not to say things are perfect, but they’ve been ideal for him!

@PhotographerMom with my older son, my wife and I were afraid the decision process would take forever, and so we gave him 2 weeks from M10 (or whenever it was) to decide. He made his decision, I sent the deposit and we returned for the invite back. The choice was made and there was no looking back! He only applied to 2 schools and so his choice was easier and despite a long family history at SCHOOL A, he chose their rival school, SCHOOL B. I am happy to report that he loves his school although my father still isn’t talking to me (kidding!) This child is much more decisive than his younger brother.
For my younger son, I am afraid we are going to wait it out until A9. My DS received acceptances from 4 schools, all of which he liked equally, each for different reasons. He has visited School A (3 previous generations of family history) for their invite back and loved it. Currently, he is at SCHOOL C for their invite back and all indications are that it is everything he hoped it would be. Finally, he wants to attend invite back at SCHOOL B (older brother in attendance) on the 6th and 7th although I see no reason to cut Spring Break short to visit a place he knows all about. I was hoping the invite backs would provide some clarity for him but it doesn’t appear to be the case and it’s making me nervous! SCHOOL D, we will not revisit and I am assuming that it has been cut from his list.
My DS has been allowed some freedom to choose his own path, just like his older brother but he has held his cards very close and knowing his careful, quiet nature I fear this could get painful. To complicate matters, I fear that my wife and I are on separate pages as well!

This is a freak out thread and here I am freaking out. My daughter is only 10 and will be going into 6th grade in the fall. To our absolute surprise, she was accepted to four out of five great schools, all with great fa. We eliminated two immediately and left our favorite two, both of which offered the MOST fa incidentally. We agree which School is the winner but how to get over feeling so guilty about saying no to the other school!!! It’s like a bad break up! We loved the school, my daughter had her first and best interview there and it was easy to see and hear how the interviewer loved her. They gave my kid a huge award to go, they have been calling saying how excited the Admissions staff are, emailing, the whole nine yards. And here we are, picking a different school! I have to keep reminding myself that this is business and not personal, my daughter loves both schools but the ‘winner’ just has the edge at this point. This is such a wonderful “problem” to have, I know — but I just feel queasy about it…

That happened for my family too. It ended up between two awesome schools, both of which chose me for their scholarship weekends and everything. I guess I was top priority for the schools, so they were super in touch and gave me a ton of free swag. In the end, we decided which one was our favorite and called the other one to say that we had fun, but I was more comfortable in a more urban campus and an all-boy atmosphere. If you feel the need to explain your decision to the school (we did) I would say point out preferential factors, like coed vs. one-gender, rather than things like “school A just had better academics.” Make sure that the school knows that you don’t think they’re bad, you just don’t think it was the right fit.

So I guess Harvard and other colleges just announced their decisions for their classes of 2022, and now I’m stressed out about that for some reason. I feel like I’ve already been rejected by them… I don’t know how to describe it. But the A/E rejections have come back to make me feel bad about myself again and I’m scared I won’t be able to get into any of my painfully cliche dream colleges in four years and I’ll have to go through the sickening feeling of rejection again.

Did anyone else feel this bizarre emotion when they saw Harvard’s congratulations post and read all the comments or just me, and does anyone know what the heck I should do to make myself feel better?