The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

@SkysTheLimit2007 What?! That’s awesome! (I mean your daughter getting accepted and being so young too. Not the dilemma you are facing)

Congrats! What a great problem to have! I feel the same way about two schools, I am leaning towards one but the other is amazing too!

My kid was admitted to a great school but waitlisted at his top choice. The admitted school gave a great financial package, we got lots of calls from parents/coaches/students, extremely welcoming and persuasive. We went to the revisit, kid was fine going to the school and enjoying all the attention. But, in my gut the school just didn’t feel right so we delayed committing.

Last year, 4/10 was on a Monday. On Friday I received a call from the AO where he was admitted. I told him that we were 95% sure kid would attend. But - a few hours later - around 4PM, we received a call that my son had gotten off the waitlist at his top choice and they were willing to match the financial package.

We revisited the top choice school on 4/10 and just before 5pm we decided to accept their offer. In hindsight, my gut was right and I’m so glad we waited. Both schools are great, this one is just a better fit.

Happy for your family.

Thank you everyone! It feels great to be able to talk about things like this with people who understand a little bit. It definitely is a great problem…

This morning there is clarity. My daughter will definitely attend the school which the gut feeling is much stronger for — and in all actuality it just makes better sense in many areas too. My daughter even told me emphatically today to let the other school go, that she’s not going there. When I get my thoughts together and am not at work, I’ll set about officially declining and emailing the person who interviewed my kid. This woman was fabulous and I know she raved over my daughter. If the other offer had not come in, my daughter would be going to the school for sure, but such is life. It’s just been so humbling to me to see what these schools were prepared to put into my child to educate her — something I don’t take for granted and will never forget!

@HMom16 thank you — I needed to hear your story!

@buuzn03 << even though the food was very disappointing>> Yes, it is. The previous food vendor was much better.

@hmom16, I’m so glad everything worked out right for your family!

@HMom16 My kiddo got two awesome acceptances and two waitlists but naturally wants to go to one of the waitlists. I am not holding out much hope as I know it is a long shot. Your story is great. I think the stress in our house would be thru the roof. My kiddo is actually leaning to LPS as it is a very good option. We cannot see paying 200K plus for something that isn’t really going to bring joy. Going to the revisits. We’ll see. I keep thinking two people are going to be very happy with the spots if kiddo doesn’t go.

Thanks @HMom16 and everyone for sharing your stories on this thread. We are now in that freak-out mode of Revisit frenzy. I am trying to get GolfKiddo to read all the posts on CC concerning fit. As @Happytimes2001 noted above, we want BS to be an experience that fosters joy, also! We had this in mind while crafting the wide net…but as decisions came in and your kid actually is on campus with potential classmates and current students the reality sets in. Seems that during Revisit at one school the students were discussing status and comparison- ranking of selectivity, difficultly, matriculation, etc … where are the wise CC students? I wish there had been more discussion among the kids we met regarding “fit”, faculty, people…wish there had been more opportunities for faculty to talk with families, not just AT families via speeches and panels. The brief Q &A after panels felt artificial…also, for most parents and kids, this is our first time to meet faculty. It’s difficult to get a feel for fit when parents are kept in a large group …I know it’s @ our kids and they did have great personalized events with current students…however, as a parent, I’m looking for fit also. Already getting a sense of transparency and communication culture @school. Just saying our parental feeling of the fit changed during Revisit in a direction opposite of the kiddo. Maybe someone else having similar experiences?

Note to faculty or AO’s if reading this post: Feel free to introduce yourselves to parents outside of a panel event because we really value this opportunity to meet you. Faculty: We respect your time and know you’re busy…but you will be seeing our kids more than we will for the next 4 years and you are a big part of the decision process.

Freaking out thread reboot for the week…and just thoughts before I have had my coffee…trying to share the wisdom of CC with the young people in the backseat [-O<

@Golfgr8 Are you done with revisits?

@Golfgr8 - I nominate your Revisit post #1249 for Post of the Year!

If a school falls short in critical areas on a Revisit Day ( a day when they’re arguably on their very best behavior ) … the universe is trying to tell you something.


Fit is so so important! Hopefully, your son had a good revisit day, and was able to get a better sense for the school when interacting with students. One thing that is important to remember, especially if you don’t think you got the best feel for the school, is to really listen to his opinion when choosing a school. After all, this will be their new home away from home and the kids they met will be the ones they are living and interacting with.

Thanks @PhotographerMom ^:)^ …also @AppleNotFar, we are still on the Revisit road. Read above post regarding “ a Day when they’re arguably on their very best behavior”

What is contributing to the freak out thread inside our car with the school in the rear view mirror?

An observation from this parental unit who used to serve on board of another school: Revisit Days should be about incoming students and their families. This should not feel like an alumni event or fundraising event! If your faculty and administrators are spending more time hiding in corners with alumni, legacy parents, and board members, then consider yourself warned. Also DH was kind of put off by one school that provided a 10% off coupon for apparel in the bookstore that expired on the day of our Revisit. Really? Our kids worked really hard and deserve better. That’s what you should do on interview day or campus visits, not Revisits! By contrast, one school was so generous and creative with take-always co-developed with their students.

On a happy note: Thank you to those generous and fun-minded schools who provided fabulous student-led entertainment. Your students are beyond talented! Please let the students know how much the incoming families appreciate how much you shared with us. For you parents out there of students who helped out on Revisit days or performed for families, please share our appreciation.

Also thank you to the schools that provided free T-shirts and swag to the kids and the siblings who were along for the visits - very thoughtful!

Just thinking that if you are freaking out more after the Revisit, then listen to your “inner CC” L-) :))

@Golfgr8 Great Points.
One revisit made us parents feel like there was a cool kid club to which we were invited but weren’t sure if we belonged. This was an echo of the interview day. Placed looked great but the fit is a BIG no. Second revisit really appealed so much more. Everything was so personal and meant to meet the student’s questions.

One thing I would point out if in fact there are any AO’s or Board members. Do NOT bring up politics during lunch. An administrator did and three families were choking on their salad. Not everyone agrees with your “opinions” on guns. Wow, cue the award dessert course. And thanks for the guy who turned the conversation back to math curriculum.
Now is the week to decide. Not sure what is going to happen. As my spouse said, it’s really too much for a 14 year old to decide. They cannot see the opportunities and benefits as we do. Going slow today. I made myself a promise not to ask “so have you decided yet?” For us, it is likely between LPS and a single school.

@Happytimes2001 your comments make me wonder if we went to the same school thinking the same thing…we interviewed at DS’s “#1” ranked school and the “cool kids” club was so apparent, I’m surprised they didn’t have a spotlight above them and a no trespassing sign marking off their “area”. The school dropped significantly in points after that. Everyone definitely needs to listen to their inner voice about fit…if you didn’t feel it on revisit day when it is all about pomp and circumstance, then you won’t be feeling it on the day to day grind!!

Since this is a Freakout Thread…I just want y’all to know the FreakOut doesn’t end with revisits…I’m over here freaking out because the reenrollment contract (with FA) has not yet arrived. Now…I’m a ‘if you’re not early you’re late’ kind of girl. But they said they’d start sending them out (electronically this year) immediately after Spring Break…in waves. It has been over 2 weeks…please tell me the delay is due to being a freshman at the end of the alphabet and not because they think they made a royal mistake admitting buuznkid!!!

Ok. Vent over…trying Lamaze breathing now

My rising 6th grader went to the second of two revisits today. She took off with current students while the parents stayed and asked pertinent questions, etc then toured campus again. I for one, liked the school even more but when I met up with my daughter at the end, she looked like she was going to cry! Alarmed (and kind of bummed) I asked her what was wrong…turns out, she had had so much fun with the classmates that she was sad she wouldn’t be able to come back for so long!!! Phew!!! Today, we realized that this unexplainable “fit” really is a thing! She felt it, I felt it — these revisits are absolutely priceless!

Now the only thing I’m freaking out about is, “did she REALLY get accepted here or did I dream it?!!!”

@Golfgr8 I would RUN, not walk away from any school where kids are obsessed with status, selectivity, etc. That is not a sign of a culture focused on learning and community. Run!

@SkysTheLimit2007 are these Day schools? If not, will you mind pm’g me the schools you are referring to? DD is still considering JBS, so would like to know what turned you on/off…TIA!

@buuzn03 These are Day Schools, one offers boarding but only from the 9th grade. I’m happy to share them if you’d like but I think you’re looking for something else?