The Official 2018 Freakout Thread

Give a call to each school and explain your problem. It’s better to just tell them and get their word rather than to just let them decide as to why you sent it in late. Make sure to apologize, we’re all human after all!

@bagglady It happens! We’re human, after all (per @snapchat ). Please, just take a deep breath and everything will be fine. Like @snapchat said, just email or call the schools and explain your situation. Best of luck to your family!

I called her school yesterday as soon as I realized. I can’t even remember most of what she said to me because I was in a state of shock. But she did say to get the info in ASAP because they’re sending letters this week. Her voice gave me no hope, almost sounded like she wanted to tell me I’m SOL! Lol… I got everything in yesterday evening thankfully. This is her third year there, I can’t imagine they’d not give her FA because I effed up, right. Ugh! I’m trying to convince myself… anyways thanks for the kind words, I’ll keep you all posted.

if she’s a good student I can’t imagine that they would turn her away over a parent’s mistake

^Unfortunately, prep schools have endless amounts of good students to choose from :frowning:

Hello everyone! I’ve heard that it is important to stay in touch with the schools you are applying to after the application is submitted. What do you think I can write to them about? Thank you in advance!

But her daughter is already enrolled at that school for 3 years. I don’t think they’d kick her out when she is a very influential and deep rooted child at the school because she submitted the application a few days late.

They mean you should send occasional updates to your interviewer. I’ve been emailing back and forth with most of my interviewers since November. You should also send in your first semester transcripts if they have already been posted (It’s not a requirement). If you are looking to play a certain sport, you should also email the coaches with occasional updates (times, awards, etc.).

Thank you!

I’m kinda panicking, but I’m excited and nervous all at once. I want to attend bs so bad I think I’ll go mad if I get rejected.

AGHH we still have 23 days to go; this is the cruelest form of torture.

Just wait till college admissions :wink:

I just want m10 to be here!!!


@FunintheSun1211 patience…23 days! Just try to find a temporary hobby :smiley:

Ugh! My sport just ended! Yay more free time…

@FunintheSun1211 try a one month gym membership? :-??

@AllSmiles2 I do home workouts at night. We have a pretty nice treadmill downstairs and I can use weights and do other excersizes (plank, sit up, etc). I wish I could, but I would have no way to get there.

@FunintheSun1211 Ah. My sport is all year long, and I always do an one-hour workout after practice. Maybe take up cooking? :-??

Cooking? And burn down the kitchen?