The Official Bebere87 & Iplayoboe thread ~ so we stop taking over all the other ones!

<p>oh, and its 42 days until Judgement Day....</p>

<p>ahh 42 days, that applies for us COLUMBIA hopefuls also... haha freakish is cool also!!</p>

<p>Thank you contessa. I wish I could say the same for you.</p>

<p>Ha- I jest.</p>

<p>Guys I slept until 2 pm</p>

<p>I am such a sack of lazy bones</p>

<p>Darn I forgot to ramble incoherently</p>


<p>Oh, and I forgot to say YALE</p>


<p>Bebere, my psychotic best friend. You're back!</p>

<p>Does anyone else find it really frustrating that the time is synchronized to Greenwich?</p>

<p>Hi Freakish! :)</p>

<p>I'm going to bake some cookies :D</p>

<p>Greenwich mean time, GMT,
yea, but you can change the time zone to make it your time in your control panel, all time zones are based of GMT because, u kno, they came up with the time zone idea or whatever. mine is set to YALE time, which also happens to be Philly time.
i love YALE
i just ate some Milano cookies, my mommy bought them for me to make me feel better, from the doctor and the sleeeeeepy and all. I had to hide them though, because my little sister and brothers and my daddy like them too. :) but they dont know where i put themmmm.... haha</p>

<p>You can change it? Ahh that would solve so much confusion.</p>

<p>Have you found that the mini milanos just don't taste as good?</p>

<p>And I always hide my Mallomars. Mmmmmmmm they're SOO yummy. Just stick them in the microwave for 30 seconds or so and poof! Instant s'mores.</p>


<p>Feeeeeel better Victoria!</p>

<p>Thanks Beth, I am feeling a little better, I made it through a whole day of school today, but now i have to go take a nap so i can watch the election coverage tonight. Im watching The Daily Show, at 10e/9c... Fake News in Real Time.
and I have marching band practice tonight, id like to be awake for that, so good night

<p>Haha the Daily Show, "PRELUDE TO A RECOUNT"</p>


<p>you have the oddest sleeping patterns</p>

<p>hmmm- you Yalies....are you going to watch the election coverage or Gilmore Girls, where a Yale secret society is exposed??</p>

<p>TIVO Gilmore :D</p>

<p>TIVO is ama-zing. I'm bringing it with me to college.</p>

<p>i dont have tivo but i wish i did.
and this sleeping pattern is only at the whim of my "mono"
there.. "mono", thats what i will call it from now on until i get an official diagnosis.
YALE babble babble
it was a good nap.</p>

<p>Watch Gilmore. Switch to election coverage during every commercial break (though I expect that the WB will update you on results during commerical breaks anyways).</p>

<p>Your own thread? Guys!</p>