Where is iplayoboe, bebere87, freakish, chidimma, etc?

<p>where is everyone tonight!!? was this the "let's not procrastinate" day and no one told me about it? I miss you guys! <em>tear</em> having CC withdrawl


<p>no one loves me :o(. Seriously. Like 60% of america HATES me. Whatever.</p>

<p>I think everyone is pretty depressed. Tonight i am doing the homeowrk i was unable to do last night because my eyes were glued to the TV and CC. haha</p>

<li>and ivyboy05!</li>

<p>Chidimma is sitting at the computer desk, typing critiques to some 20+ articles on the election, also known as the "Presidential Portoflio" project that is due for Civics on Friday. Where are the rest of you? :)</p>

<p>I am depressed also. Tomorrow, Kerry supporters at my school are wearing black. sigh.</p>

<p>Oh, i wore ALL black today. Sad sad day.</p>

<p>haha we are doing that tomorrow too!</p>

<p>I just made a t-shirt to wear tommorow against the ban on gay marriage/unions (whatever you want to call it). I am scared for the next 4 years. Are you all ready to be drafted? This time, women too.</p>

<p>scared out of my mind.</p>

<p>i was sleeping. with this "mono" i sleep a lot.
but im still here and i still love you!
and im wearing all black for a week!</p>

<p>I was sleeping too. </p>

<p>I'm still so depressed. I can't believe how personally I felt the loss. I actually cried. I feel so alienated from my country. And I hate that practically no one in my school GETS it. </p>

<p>I guess we have to look forward to 2008</p>

<p>I'm BACK for real.</p>

<p>i wore my kerry shirt on nov. 3.............i was wicked sad when he made his concession speech. like depressed, i dont get depressed, but i was depressed. all my enthusiasm seemingly went to waste....oh well, at least the next four years will be memorable for its insanity.</p>

<p>think about it, bush did all his crazy stuff in 2.5 years mostly, the first year he was vacationing, and a few months after 9/11 he wasnt doing bad. anyways, so this term is the sequel basically! its another FOUR years of what he did in 2.5 years, but BIGGER AND BADDER. bam! its Bush/Cheney Part II: Vengance. Everyone knows sequels have to be more explosive than the first, so buckle your seat belts!</p>

<p>lol, if he spends as much time vacationing in the next four years as he spent in the last 9 months, i dont think we will have to worry about him pushing for any legislation. we might hear something along the lines of "well, i hear that congress is doin a fine job all by themselves, i figure the more i stay out of their way, the better off America will be, now check out this put, heh heh heh."
please nobody take offense. i really am joking. if you want to be offended, go read some of the threads in the cafe, or check out guys vs girls on the sat in the sat board, there one <em>poster</em> there doing a fine job of posting offensive material.</p>

<p>haha, my turn to ask where you guys are? I miss you!</p>

<p>Ok well I was just reading a lot of your posts and all of you seem like really big Kerry fans. I can understand people not liking president Bush. He has been a very contrversial president who has made very contreversial decisions. I can also see how many people would agree with these types of decisions and therefore support him. What I am currently unable to grasp, however, is what people saw in John Kerry. I'm not trying to start an argument. I just want to know the reasons that all of you seem to be so adamant that Kerry would have been such an outstanding president. What does he stand for that you support? What does he stand for period? I followed the election pretty closely, and I never really got a sense of what John Kerry would actually do if he became president. I was hoping that some of you could answer this question for me so that I could better understand where you are coming from during your period of mourning.</p>

<p>can i just say that before this forum totally revamped itself, my presence was just as prominent as chidimma's and davidrune's? can i just say?</p>

<p>haha, i still feel honored to have made the "missed list"
like geniusash and magoo for those of you in the cafe this summer ;)</p>

<p>Becky don't worry, you're very much KNOWN in the Yale forum...and you're definitely missed when you're not here.</p>

<p>I just came home from New Haven! Actually, I just came home from an Amnesty convention in Boston (YAY!!!), but I insisted that we get off the highway to tour New Haven on our way home. Not only that, but while I was in Cambridge, I was wearing my YALE sweatshirt! And my Yankees hat! How's that for bold? One guy wearing a Red Sox hat actually came up to me and told me to get the eff out of his city. :eek:</p>

<p>Welcome home beth, I was wondering where my procrastinator buddy was!
BTW I looked at HOBY pictures earlier :eek:</p>