<p>Most of you are waiting for the decisions to come out, but I believe there are some people here that are either applying RD or next year (like me... yeah in a year I'll be you. It scares me a lot). So this thread is for every ''observer'' that wants to support applicants :).</p>
<p>I just wanted to wish everyone good luck. Through the last months I have learned a lot about you by reading your threads and I have come to truly admire everyone here. And tomorrow, may the bulldogs sing or die, you'll remain the same persons I admire.</p>
<p>I just wanted to let you know that even though we have never met, I'm 100% behind you. At least now you know there's a complete stranger somewhere in the world that supports you :)</p>
<p>I’m only a junior so I thankfully don’t have to deal with this yet (actually, I already know I won’t get in so I probably won’t be freaking out too much) but know that whatever happens is for the best and wherever you end up going is where you’re meant to be. </p>