<p>1) I procrastinated because I was just so darn busy. I paid more attention to things that did not really require much preparation instead of studying because I don’t like math. It scares me. Except statistics. I liked statistics.
2) I’m taking Math II as my subject test solely because I need it to place into math in college.
3) Math is going to kick my butt next Saturday because I’m going through the textbook and some “easy” problems aren’t so easy. I’m not a natural math student. Also, I took Precalc in my junior year, and yet I am a senior. I don’t remember most of this information.
4) I’m cramming from Kaplan and the Princeton Review to study, as well as looking through old PreCalc notes.</p>
<p>Too much bio to learn. >.<</p>
<p>1) I procrastinated because I’m a little too confident. I completely owned the APs after constant studying (as in flashcards at my friend’s sweet 16…) so I kinda just crashed after.
2) I’m taking Bio and World History
3) WH is going to badly kick me in the butt because I finally happened upon a practice test online -***??? I’m pretty confident with bio but idk, it could end up being on all the wrong things.
4) I still haven’t started…OMG. But I’ll probably end up skimming Cliff’s for Bio and reviewing the sparknotes quizzes online. For world, i’ll go over PR</p>
<p>Crap. I realized that it’s been a few days since I started this thread, and I have studied minimally. ■■■.</p>
<p>1) “I procrastinated because I can”
2) “I’m taking World history, Math II, and Literature as my subject test(s)”
3) “Literature is going to kick my butt next Saturday because I hate poetry”
4) “I’m doing review books/praying to study.”</p>
<p>1) I procrastinated because i procrastinate with everything and thought i could just “briefly look over” the stuff and do a couple practice tests “successfully”
2) I’m taking Math II and Chem as my subject tests
3) Chem is going to kick my butt next Saturday because I didn’t start reviewing till this week and I’m not sure cramming really works
4) I’m doing Chem- Barrons 07,09, PR 08, 09, CB
Math- Barrons 07, 09, Kaplan, PR 09, CB to study.</p>
<p>1) I procrastinated because it’s the end of the school year, I’ve lost all motivation, and I had other more exciting things on my mind.
2) I’m taking Lit, Math II, and I was going to take French but I think the 300 score I’d get on it would just be a crusher. So just Lit and Math II.
3) Math II is going to kick my ass because I basically stopped paying attention in precalc once I was locked into a B, I know no trig, and I can’t be bothered to teach myself.
4) I just did a couple practice tests – the first studying I did at all. I guess tomorrow will be okay… I really need to get my work ethic upgraded before senior year.</p>
<p>1) I procrastinated because after APs, it’s party time in class! We had a bring-in-food day for AP Stats and we cut open pig brains in bio and watched “historical” movies filled with swears and sex in APUSH
2) I’m taking Biology and USH as my subject tests
3) USH is going to kick my butt next Saturday because I can’t remember which proclamation is which!
4) I’m doing… cramming (can’t…absorb…information…) and lots of coffee to study.</p>
<p>1) I procrastinated because I… wait… <em>clicks on YouTube link</em>… be right back.
2) I’m taking Math IIC and U.S. History as my subject tests.
3) U.S. History may “kick my butt.” It will more likely pinch my ass cheeks than blatantly strike me with its foot.
4) I’m studying right now. Sort of.</p>
<p>1) I procrastinated because I had to do two “senior finals” a week before our actual finals (@#!@#) and two writing article submissions DX
2) I’m taking Literature as my subject test.
3) I’m really concerned, since I got a 640 on May without studying, and I need at least a 700+ to feel safe for UCs, yet I haven’t taken a single practice test yet…■■■.
4) I’m studying from Kaplan. I hope to finish at least three tests tonight…</p>
<p>Who else is stayin’ up late tonight like me?</p>
<p>****, I’ll be awake until the girls in the SparkNotes ads start looking like supermodels. It’s going to be a long night.</p>
<p>■■■■■ @ idk11</p>
<p>^hahaha…yeah ima be up late too …</p>
<p>Haha idk11… I’m up late too just read three entire review books today now to the practice tests gonna be a late one but I never sleep well before these tests anyway… Good luck tomorrow everybody!</p>
<p>Word. I’m about to hit up a breakfast joint after my two tests, down a Western omelet, and head back home to exhale for the first time in at least three months.</p>
<p>You’ve studied for three months idk11?! Jealous!</p>
<p>No. I’ve been subjected to the proverbial high school balancing act for that time period. I started reading the SparkNotes for U.S. History about a week ago, but haven’t really done genuine studying beyond that.</p>
<p>1) I procrastinated because I forget about the tests until 8 or 9pm or so.
2) I’m taking US history as my subject test
3) US History is gonna kick my butt tomorrow because I know like 10% of the material well enough to do vaguely well! I’m hoping for a 300…
4) I’m doing Barrons and atm, sparknotes practice test to study.</p>
<p>Good luck, y’all.</p>
<p>Haha, I gotcha. We got out of school a few days ago. . . little time for me to study.</p>