<p>The official thread for everyone who has sent in their enrollment deposit/will send in their enrollment deposit and for sure know where they're going come Fall 2010. </p>
<p>List your college, talk about your excitement, ask questions, etc.</p>
<p>Let's comemnce Class of '14!</p>
<p>I’m future Dickinsonian :D</p>
<p>OMG… I applied ED even though I’m not very sure it fits me well (but I don’t regret ED here though…). I hope I will fit it well :)</p>
<p>I actually still have doubts since not many CCers talk about this college, nor I see it ranks high in any websites. Anyway, who cares!!? This is where I’m going to be next year
Can’t wait to see the town of Carlisle!</p>
<p>Anybody going to Dickinson College?</p>
<p>—> Dickinson College '14 :D</p>
<p>i’m going to suny oswego! i’m not one who judges schools based on rank either but it’s perfect for my major (secondary education) and the campus is so pretty since it’s right on the lake. i didn’t get into every school i applied to, but in the end, it only matters about one!</p>
<p>—> SUNY oswego 2014!
<p>Congrats guys! Any other people who sealed their fate?</p>