The Official M10 2019 Freakout Thread

I’m so excited for my 16th next month; I’m getting a matching tattoo with my sister on my arm. I’m sort of nervous I’ll be the only kid with a tattoo at BS but I’m really excited for it lol

Hey guys I’m pretty new on this website but it puts me at ease knowing I’m not the only one panicking about the M10 decision. Btw I’m applying to Blair Academy (I was planning on applying to Peddie too but thought that would probably look bad since they’re rivals), Hun School of Princeton, The Hill School and the Holderness School.

You won’t be.

@mxnair You shouldn’t panic much. I’ve learned so much about myself because of this process. Even if you don’t get into any of these schools that you’ve applied to (let’s hope that’s not the case), you, hopefully, got something out of this.

I’m rooting for all of you!!!

^I think we all are

OK so my Exeter interview (in-person) is in 4 hours! I’m pretty excited, but if anybody is online and wants to provide some last minute tips, that would be amazing :slight_smile:

@egnatius Just be yourself !!

@egnatius Be yourself! I liked to think of the interview as a time where the AO got to know who I was, not just my accomplishments and ECs. Also, be sure to show your interest in the school as well as what you bring to the table.

Maintain eye contact! This shows that you’re confident

Good luck, @egnatius !!!

@egnatius I don’t know when you have your interview but from my Exeter interview experience, let me tell you one thing: interviewers are your friends. I don’t mean that they’re the ones that you should swear around and speak in slang with, what I mean is that they want you to be another prospective student at their school, you just have to give them a reason why. Speak about your interests, why you want to attend their school, and how you’ll contribute. There is no need to be nervous.

I went to Day at Andover it was amazing!

Awesome @M0hammad!

All of my essays except for Andover are done, just waiting on a couple parent statements from my dad and then we’ll be golden! My math and English teachers have to submit to NMH and my Spanish teacher to SMS, which’ll all be done. My transcripts might be done tomorrow but I could be wrong—those might be a day or two late but I’ve already spoken to my schools so we’re gucci. I have my last interview (Lawrence) on Thursday. God, I’m so excited to be DONE.

I finished my interviews, and all my essays I just need to submit Andover’s. I’m getting increasingly angry with my parents because they’ve barely started any of the Parent Statements, and all their answers so far have been absolute garbage (sorry mom). Anyway I guess I’m new so I guess I’ll introduce myself! My name is Mohammad, and I’m applying to Andover as a reach. I’m applying to 4 other lesser known schools but wonderful nevertheless. But basically, I created this account to help with my Andover application, cause any mistakes in that and I’m screwed!

54 more days! ugh it’s so far awayyyy

@ilovechoateeeee Trust me, these next months fly by very quickly :slight_smile: It’s actually the March 9-10 weekend that will probably feel like forever

UPDATE: I think my interview was fine. It wasn’t anything special, but I did feel like I connected on some level with the interviewer.

Here are some tips I picked up:

  • Be confident and more forward with your thoughts–it’s a two-way conversation. I tried to find a natural moment to bring up some of what I wanted to, but I was too conservative with this approach. By the end, I only said a fraction of what I wanted to.
  • Ask questions! If you don’t know anybody at the school, this is one of the few chances to ask questions and get in-depth answers, especially if the interviewer is an alumnus (which should be true?)
  • Feel and look like an agreeable person. this is sort of self-explanatory; just look friendly
  • Be yourself, as cmbyn02 and willmo pointed out above.
  • have a normal conversation. if you can’t keep up with a conversation while also juggling around advice in your head, just turn on autopilot and go. it’s better to sound natural, anyway.

I have my Andover interview in a few minutes.

What questions should I ask?

I have a list but I want to add more.

@YoungThriver Sorry, just now seeing this. How’d it go? I had mine with an Alumni and it was over an hour long but we discussed all kinds of things.