The Official M10 2019 Freakout Thread

@buuzn03 Don’t you have to file even earlier than that for FA at SMS? We do. Ugh.

@CaliMex yes… @-) another reason for the freak out. The good news is hubby’s business stuff is already being done, so I think we will avoid last year’s disaster. Now I gotta get my buttocks in gear. It will be a loooong weekend!!!

@Stillwater0808 four, i think? each has a limit of 1500 characters

Someone should start a thread call “Prep School Parents Tax Day Freakout Thread” :)))

I recently had my campus tours and interviews ( a lot of driving around and walking in New England in freezing weather), and I definitely had great experiences. Most of the interviews went very well IMO, and I was paired up with a tour guide who came in as a new 10th grader (like I would be) at all but two schools. I also saw a wide range of interview outfits, with jeans, leggings, and Patagonia sweaters all the way to the ‘banker outfit’ that I’ve read a little about on cc. (also a crazy amount of Canada Goose jackets)

I now really get why it can be so important to visit the schools if possible since it really gave me a better sense of what each school was like, or I guess you could say, it’s ‘vibe’

@willmo Did your opinions about the schools change in any way? Any shifts in your perceptions?

@CaliMex Definitely! It made some aspects of the schools that I wasn’t so sure about seem less of a big deal. Especially talking with an actual student gave a good perspective on how I might fit into the environment.

this kind of random, but I was wondering if you guys think that the Admissions team will also factor in which applicant needs this more? like if they were comparing two similar applicants, would they choose the one who doesn’t have a good local option?

and did anyone submit their essays yet? i submitted two of them but i’m still working on the final draft for Choate

@ilovechoateeeee I am most likely going to submit them sometime this weekend.

@ilovechoateeeee I think the AO would be far to busy to make that comparison. The admissions always will come down to who is best for the school. (Unfortunately, not the other way round).

@ilovechoateeeee if the candidates are pretty much the same but one is from an un/underrepresented state, they’ll likely choose the one who is from the unrepresented state.

This gets back to another of my famous quotes: Assuming all other things are equal, which they never are. I’m in @Happytimes2001 's camp on this - the school will choose the candidate that will most benefit the school, not the candidate that will most benefit from the school.

I’d also suggest staying away from the parlor game of “Will the choose Student A or Student B?” The answer is the same as to the age old Tootsie Pop question:

Anyone go to Day at Andover??

@skieurope Actually as a kid, my sister and I often would have contests where we counted how many licks to took to get to the center. Can’t remember the number. But the rules were, you stayed in the same spot for licking and there was no biting. We spent many hours on this. I had forgotten. I think it’s easier to know the Tootsie Pop question than any AO decisions.

Ahhh…but who is old enough to actually remember the classic commercial when it was aired on TV?

If I don’t get into Choate, it will be so embarrassing because of my username… In hindsight, I should’ve chosen one that didn’t involve a school that I don’t attend!

@altras - :-h

I’ve turned in all my apps but I’m a literal stress ball right now! I watched the new Brooklyn Nine Nine episode last night and I spaced out so hard, and only came back to life when the end credits played.

@bookmerd I can totally relate :))