The Official M10 2019 Freakout Thread

@YoungThriver Def do that. Have u done Trig? Focus on trig identities, too.

@CavsFan2003 Yep! Solving trigs equations was my favorite part about precalc. Proofs on the other hand…

anyone else missing bunch of stuff on the school portal? I submitted everything but different things are missing on portals

@sparkatzz I think it just takes some time for the schools to update their portals

I’m thinking of rolling admissions schools—if I were to get rejected everywhere on M9, would there be schools still accepting apps and offering full aid?

am I too late to join this mass freakout yall

@CavsFan2003 me too
my bday is 2 days after M10 so if I get rejected everywhere I’m going to be so rekt

I have so many regrets now- I just realized that in my Gateway application of listing your extracurriculars or whatever I only listed 5 even though I had way more. And, in my Choate interview, I didn’t tell the AO that Choate was my first choice. I know these are minor compared to other parts of my application but this is giving me an actual headache ugh

@ilovechoateeeee You could still write to the Choate AO and tell him Choate is your very first choice.

@ilovechoateeeee I agree, send a nice email to your Choate AO and let them know that choate is your first choice and why.

As far as ECs. I think 5 is enough. Realistically, how can you be doing more than 5 if you are doing any at a level that would make them interesting to a BS? I know kids who play on 3 soccer teams, all are a joke. My kid plays on one at a very intense level. 3 vs 1 but which kid is more attractive to a BS? Maybe I am off base but it just seems logical to me. Scattershot ECs don’t seem good for an application. Point is, I think your application is just fine as is.

@CaliMex I’ll do that, but do you think it will help?

@dogsmama1997 I’ll email the AO. And for the ECs I meant individual activities (like attending Lawrenceville’s summer program…)

Oh, ok, that makes more sense. I would email whatever you forgot. Maybe they will care, maybe they won’t but I don’t see it hurting much.

Wait we can just email our interviewers and tell them they’re our fav? Cause Choate is mine and I’m dying for them lol

how would you go about saying that without it seeming weird? like would you just say “school XYZ is my favorite by the way!” like how would you say that without it coming off weird

Shouldn’t this be called the official M9 freakout thread? :slight_smile:

I had this AO saying that they never open the links on the application cuz it’s not clickable so I feel like they don’t really care about minor activities @ilovechoateeeee

Oh… Art is one of my main ECs and I attached an online portfolio to my application :confused:

@ilovechoateeeee - just curious - did Choate have a separate platform this year for submitting the art portfolio?
Wishing you the best and “high five” for submitting your art portfolio :)]

@Golfgr8 Thanks! And no, I just put mine in my Gateway app where it said I could include a multimedia link. I’m kind of scared because I didn’t know people actually worked on their portfolio, I just made a Wix site and uploaded some pictures of my paintings?

Don’t freak out. Kiddo applied to a couple of schools (not yours) that had specific portfolio requirements back then…different now…but Choate did have a different platform last year - a dedicated one and also another one for creative writing samples. Hotchkiss, Emma, & MPS had specific examples they wanted with a limited number in the portfolio (portrait, still life, mixed media, sketch, painting, etc). My kiddo also had a photography portfolio - those schools wanted very specific items and numbers. Examples for photography included a landscape, a portrait, Black & White, architecture, nature, etc). Emma was the most specific and luckily for us kiddo was smart enough to have taken some “sweet” photos during her time there and (boo yaaaa) used photos taken at the school in her portfolio).
For Hotchkiss, we actually had to pay an additional fee ($ 10) to submit on their other art platform. That was last year.

My hunch is that some of the schools may now make it easier to submit the portfolios.