The Official M10 2019 Freakout Thread

@ilovechoateeeee Art is one of my main ECs too!! I did the same thing, just added the link in gateway…. :expressionless:
I also just uploaded work I had…if I don’t get in this year I’ll probably really work on new pieces and uploading better work… :frowning:

@Golfgr8 I had to pay $5 for to submit my portfolio for a local school that used their own platform.

is anyone also applying to hun in new jersey? this school seems never pick up phone or reply emails

@sparkatzz nope, sorry.

I’m not either.

March 9: 45 DAYS!!!
March 10: 46 DAYS!!!

thanks, they finally picked up the phone today lmao

I’m still waiting for my transcripts to be finalized /:slight_smile:

Last year, my teens did the same count down. We scratched the numbers down on the calendar each day. The house was quiet the last 3 days. Keep on pushing…

Today was the last day of the quarter, so my grades should be out soon!

I’m also wondering how I should format that kind of email @MysticBaguette. Anyone have any suggestions or experience writing that kind of thing?

I’m curious if our DS is the only one but his list of school he would apply too changed drastically throughout the process, we even paid admission at 3 schools that in the end he decided not to apply and 2 schools he had no interest in visiting initially are at the top of his list.

^^I don’t think that is so unusual if kids are really making the most of the process. Done right, a kid can learn a lot about himself in the search. And of course, visiting a school can also show you more about the school than the look books do too.

@ReluctantDad I agree with @gardenstategal that this is not only common, but smart. I wish buuznkid had stopped the application process of several schools he realized he didn’t want to attend after interviews and visits. It would’ve saved time and sanity!!

A BS I’m applying to didn’t need my middle school transcript… My middle school counselor emailed the school asking a question and they replied saying they didn’t need it? Did this happen to anyone else?

@ReluctantDad Yes, this happened with my daughter also. In hindsight, I could have saved myself some money if we hadn’t been quite so quick to get a start on all of the applications. There were two that I paid the fee for but she decided not to apply after visiting, and two that weren’t on the original list but got added after a BS fair in our area, one of which has risen to the top. I didn’t see any point in having her finish applications for schools we agreed she wouldn’t attend if accepted.

Yikes… just hit a roadblock.

Realized I would lose my 21st Century Scholarship if I graduated from a non-Indiana HS,
meaning I’d lose automatic full tuition at any Indiana public…

@CavsFan2003 but that probably means you would have gotten a huge amount of scholarship from an awesome BS

Anyone else has schools reach out to them post-application deadline asking you to apply?

Not after, but pretty close to. Hopkins sent me stuff a couple days before.

Anybody applying to Thacher? It’s my top choice and I literally can’t stop thinking about it. I’m so nervous for M9! Even the thought of opening an email or package from a school terrifies me – does anyone else feel like that?

@doddsie15 It’s definitely a tough 40 days to wait. Focus on our favorite diversions? Sports, books, hobbies? Maybe school too??? I’m with you in spirit. :-SS