The Official M10 2019 Freakout Thread

I emailed the Andover basketball coach a week ago, and he hasn’t responded. I hope that doesn’t mean he ignored it!

I don’t have to wait as long because the NYC day schools decision comes out in 16 days at most! I don’t have high hopes for M9 so I’m not really thinking about it. I had a countdown in my planner but I just erased it.

I reallyyy wish I could change my username

Is the Andover MVSD Coach on a sabbatical? I have sent him an email over 2 weeks ago and he hasn’t respended. Kinda worried…


Were you responding to an email he sent you or were you emailing him out of the blue? If the latter, did your email to him answer the questions he posed?

Keep in mind, the team is also in-season and he has classroom and administrative responsibilities

ugh I wish I had applied to St. Mark… just realized how good their STEM programs are

Do ya’ll like the profile picture or should I do another (spongebob) one?

@sparkatzz you still have time! One of DSs best friends also applied right before the deadline and is loving life at St Mark’s!

@buuzn03 Thank you! I’ll try to email them

@sparkatzz if you really are serious, I would call. That is what DSs friend did and they specifically walked him through what they would immediately need and scheduled his interview right away.

We know many kids at St. Mark’s and it’s an incredible school. You still have time, better to apply than to live with the “What if” feeling for the next few years.

@ReluctantDad we agree!!! And the kid I’m referring to is so glad he went ahead and applied even though it was rushed…he is thriving there and has been a great friend to DS, so we are glad, too!!

Update: I just got an interview scheduled!
Thank you so much! @buuzn03 @ReluctantDad

@sparkatzz Great news! Keep us posted!

I just realized I made the most stupid mistake a person applying to multiple schools can make. Bye, Choate!

@ilovechoateeeee if you don’t mind sharing, what happened? if you would prefer not to, that is completely fine ?

@MysticBaguette A few weeks ago I sent an email to my Choate AO without changing the name (so it was addressed to an AO from another school) I am so mortified and angry at myself, I cried for an hour but there’s nothing I can do about it. Maybe I should email her? But my parents said that they probably get tons of emails from applicants so they won’t remember mine?..

Wait but don’t the AOs have to include any interaction between the applicant and someone from Choate in their file?

@ilovechoateeeee lemme guess, you sent the same letter to multiple schools but forgot to change the names?

@ilovechoateeeee I know it’s hard to believe, but you are going to look back on that email and laugh one day (likely not too far in the future). Unless it was a template email that told every school that they were your first choice, it will likely have no impact on your application. To err is human, and they are admitting humans. Chances are, the AO had a quick little laugh over it and moved on to the pile of other emails and work they have this time of year.