The Official M10 2019 Freakout Thread

I’m with @buuzn03 too. No more “chance me” threads for me…BS, college or other.

Anonymous strangers posting unverified information and asking other strangers with who-knows-what qualifications to chance them on a black-box process. No thanks. I find it particularly disheartening when an applicant is told they will definitely get it. That’s just the response that a young person may be seeking and statistically sets them up for a harder fall on M10.

Questions about strengths and weaknesses of one’s application are another story.

I agree as well. On one of my first visits to CC, I read a “chances” thread, and it shocked me into never reading another. It coudl give applicants false hope, or scare another into thinking that they have absolutely no chance because their SSAT percentile is not 99%.

Honestly, we know many kids who are or have attended some of the top prep schools mentioned on these boards and their stats are nowhere near some of the ones we’ve seen in the chance me section.

One of my mom’s close friends is an educational consultant, and she told her that some Chinese parents are paying boarding schools a FEW MILLION DOLLARS to accept their kid!!! That is so unfair my god

@ilovechoateeeee C’est la vie.

@ilovechoateeeee tbch i’m not that surprised, even though it is quite unfair…

@ilovechoateeeee Dang… too bad my $40 in my bank account can’t sway them :((

Jk of course… we shouldn’t worry about what others do, just focus on ourselves. Do our best, all that matters!

Also… make that $12. I bought myself a Hydro Flask to celebrate finishing my applications.

I love my Hydro Flask. They last forever. My last one lasted me about two years and was going strong until I lost it :(. Got a new 40oz one for Christmas and I’ve been using it everyday.

@livelaughxc I’ve only heard good things about them! I only bought the 18 oz model cause I have ample opportunity to fill it up. I’m very excited for it lol

I find myself drinking a lot more water. I usually drink around 2-3 of the 40oz bottles a day because I have sports practice everyday. Water almost tastes better out of a hydro flask :).

This thread is starting to turn into an elaborate hydro flask ad :))

@daisyapples i was literally about to say that lololol

Well, we may look at this from a different angle: with “a few million dollars” the school probably will be able to offer admissions to a few more smart and hardworking kids who need FA. @ilovechoateeeee

@Stillwater0808 That’s true

I sent some AOs emails for the past week or two for some school info, but I never heard back from them (I figured they are pretty busy reading all the application). Should I email them again or should I just leave it that way? It’s nothing urgent, they are mostly just questions about the school, although some had supplement for my application.

@sparkatzz if it isn’t urgent, I would wait. Some AOs are coaches, dorm parents, etc plus this is a busy busy time for them in their AO role. An AO at DSs school is a coach, dorm parent and just had a baby over Christmas break. I have no idea how she keeps up!

I realize most people here are not in my exact situation but this thread is oddly stress relieving for me… I am actually waiting for Feb 8th for my daughter to attend Hackley, or for notification shortly after feb 8th for Greenwich Country Day and Rye Country Day. These are all schools just outside of NYC in Westchester Country or Greenwich (which boarders Westchester) In case anyone doesn’t know this, Hackley has some boarding students in the high school. It is a part of the Ivy Prep School League, if that’s of any interest to anyone. Also big news is that Greenwich Country Day now has a high school and goes to 12th. It previously only went to 8th and has had many students attend boarding schools for high school in the past. It will be interesting to see how things change there. We are also financial aid applicants and I am incredibly nervous/excited to find out where we are accepted and what kind of FA package we get.

*Borders Westchester not boarders lol.

I live in Westchester! I’ve been to RCD and Hackley but I didn’t end up applying