The Official M10 2019 Freakout Thread

@Altras Hopefully! I didn’t say that the school was my first choice, thank god. Thing is though, I could’ve sworn I changed the names because Choate is my first choice (obvs) and I was super careful when I sent my emails. Well, nothing I can do now

36 days till M9! SO far away :frowning:

@ilovechoateeeee Yet 36 days ago it was December 26… seems like it flew by. I’ve got a busy month coming up, so M9 should f l y

Hi everyone! I’m new to CC, and I’m so nervous about M9/M10!

Who isn’t?

@CavsFan2003 this is like two months after you put your comment lol, but honestly same, i’ve been so anxious and i’ve been binge watching college decision reactions and i also kinda wanna do my own when m9/10 rolls around even though it’s still so far away

My transcripts have finally be finalized and sent and my foreign language rec was sent to SMS! I have an interview with Lawrence today but other than that I’m 100% done!!

been*… oof

Give yourselves a round of applause and a pat on the back for getting through this process. I’m sure you learned a lot about yourselves and about time management… and I bet your writing skills improved after all of those essays! Whether or not you are admitted to the school of your dreams, know that you are awesome for putting yourself out there and for putting in the work to have a shot. I have a feeling you will all do well even if you end up in a sub-par, underfunded public school because of your willingness to work hard for your dreams. That is more important than any diploma from a fancy prep school. Well done!

That’s so true, and really important to keep in mind during the weeks to come

I need to block the Prep School Chances forum… y’all are so talented lol

11 more days till Riverdale/HM decisions!

Is anyone also applying to there?

Those Chances threads really make me feel horrible about my application. There are even some kids who have played at Carnegie Hall, who are in the same grade I’m in! Honestly, I don’t want to be a pessimist, but if I’m in the same pool as those applicants I don’t really think I have a chance.

Remember, while most are accurate, some are not. Don’t compare yourself to anonymous people.

I don’t get it. Isn’t the whole point of the thread to know your chances? What good will it do to lie?

Don’t read too much into those threads.

Someone might seem really impressive on paper, and then come across as an arrogant jerk in person.

Being an amazing musician is no guaranty. A school may suspect you’d be better off with Conservatory training… (also, schools just don’t need that many pianists for their ensembles… )

And just because someone thinks their essays are original and well written, doesn’t mean they are (ditto for recommendations).

Agreed. I do an eye roll every time I read “Recs 10/10 My teachers love me.” Ummm, there’s no correlation people.

After the first time seeing the chances thread, I’ve never looked back. I can’t handle reading them and remember how intimidating it was to see all of these “stats” and “facts”. So, for our sanity, this normal family with normal kids will continue to stay away from that thread/sub-forum. I honestly wish CC would do away with them. No one can really give anyone an objective “chance”…until M10.

I so agree with @buuzn03. After going through this process with my average kid, I really think there is a school for everyone if you are open to doing a lot of research and finding the right match.

Just a hunch here as well, but my guess is you’ll be happier at a school that’s the right fit than at some school that you just applied to for the name and prestige or because you liked the pictures on a website. Dig deeper than what you hear on CC. Think beyond ivy acceptances. Where will you grow and thrive? Where will you figure out who you are? Where will they value YOU?