The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

you guys are making me feel so self conscious of my interview. I though they went pretty good especially Loomis and Deerfied but now I am worried they didn’t like me. I hope they don’t effect your chances too much. fivndfnsbs9uvg

the only interview i have left is my Exeter one, but tbh with their uber selective admissions, a good interview probably does just as much as a bad one.

@Mercurrii watch u get into Taft though.

@ens2006 I wouldn’t think upon your Exeter interview. more of my friends have had bad interviews than good ones, and we all got in, so… go figure!

This interview discussion reminds me of the time I used to do alumni interviews for my graduate school admissions (MBA).

After doing many over the years, I have to say you get pretty good at smelling bs and the real deal and most importantly who would be a good fit at your alma mater. And this is for 27 year old adult candidates. I can just imagine how clear it must be for the experienced AOs interviewing a 14 year old within the first 10 minutes. One of the AOs told us she had been interviewing for almost 30 years(!). So I guess some AOs let their feelings be known, some have a poker face and some will try to subtly influence to attend if they think you are good fit. Dont think we can read too much in the reactions of the AOs.

Glad we are done with that part of the journey.

@ens2006 haha. not sure where you got that idea from since Taft really hates my ass rn.

I? have to? skip school? to call Taft? and the lady? got super pissed?

I think you meant Hill which did go great but my L’ville one sucked.

Hotchkiss this weekend!

@Mercurrii OHH I thought it was Taft, but why don’t they like you?

ok ok so there is more interviews happening for Choate in FL and I have a dilemma. So they said don’t worry about the interview if you already had one, but mine was almost a month ago and A LOT has changed. I really really want to go to Choate and I feel like I could make a wayyy better impression on the admissions team if I scheduled a new one. But I also don’t want to be annoying and I feel like it might irritate them if I ask to do another one.

@ens2006 I mean I don’t see why not lol

ahhh, feels like this thread is kinda dead today.

hows everyone doing with their apps?

don’t read too deep into reactions of people, mail, etc. however–i did talk to someone from admissions and they mentioned having “favorites” from who they interviewed and would advocate for them throughout the process. the person i asked about this actually said that only a few of those favorites actually got accepted in the end. (take this with a boatload of salt, this really could just basically be hearsay)
i would honestly say to just not think about it, what’s done is done anyways. if you had a good interview, great! carry on :slight_smile:

I’m at a standstill these days; finals are coming up and I don’t have much time to spare. I still have to work on my essays a lot more and I have no idea how to prepare for interviews!
I think I have to stop all of my after-school academies for a while because honestly, the time and money they take up doesn’t seem worth it to me. hHHhHhH I’m so tired

@SolarJ dude, it’s gonna be okay. I’m positive you’ll do great!

and I- why? after school academies?

coughs in broke in time management

IDK I did them a few years ago but it didn’t help me at all welp


after school academies? Jesuus I feel useless, I’ve never even heard of those?? It’s not common for “good” (>3.00 GPA) students to do tutoring where I’m at, let alone after school academies.
Do they cost a lot of money? Maybe I should look into that stuff…

@SolarJ @Mercurrii
What were your experiences with them? Did it actually help you, academically?

Also, how are you all doing? Feels kinda lonely to worry about this school application stuff, when everyone around me is having fun, lol.

Oh, haha, I live in Korea and after-school academies are a Korean-student stable thing. I don’t think the U.S has many of these? At least, when I was there, I never saw any. They’re mostly tutoring for school tests and learning stuff that’s above your grade level. It takes up a lot of time, so I don’t really like them. IDK, they are very helpful but only to some degree. I think studying by yourself if sometimes more rewarding.

Hotchkiss interview check!
and yeah, I mean, It didn’t work for me, lol. It was just a really bad environment cuz I was just sitting next to 8-year-olds doing algebra while theyre learning multiplication tbh.

and yeah, im good. going in a few hours downtown for my interview. then I get the eyeshadow palette that I’ve thirsted after for a year (oh my god Halloweek is gonna be so fun)

I’m done with 4 of my essays, wbu?

@Mercurrii omg how’d hotchkiss go? Was it a Skype one?

@TheHappinessFund its in an hour or two whooooops

and no it’s downtown at a JW mariott (fancy)
I got Jackson Marvel for my AO. Kinda nervous oop

Im leaving now guys wish me luckkkkk :0000