The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

I hope it went well. I have my St. Pauls and Deerfield interview tomorrow. While Hotchkiss and Taft are on Tuesday. Loomis, my final one, is Wednesday.

Ahhhh how’d it go? It probably went hella amazing, based on your track record. I’ve got an interview in a week, with Loomis Chaffee, so oof.
What interviews do you all have coming up?

I just had my St. Paul’s interview and I have Deerfield later today. Tomorrow I have my Taft and Hotchkiss interviews. My final one is Loomis on Wednesday. So it’s a lot of stuff in a short amount of time. Luckily my Blair interview was a while ago.

@TheHappinessFund I mean, I guess…

we went early and the dude had to go to his room so I just doodled on my phone for ten mins but I think he saw me and thought I was one of those people who couldn’t I get off their phones lmao

um it was okay, I did NOT know they had an actual printed sheet for questions, it was kind of like my lville one except a Lil better tbh

At the end, (don’t come for me) I asked if I was like a “good fit” and he was like, yeah, but we need to see your whole application and like all your essays but from what I can tell, you’re the one wanting to go to BS, not because your parents want you to, and that’s important.
there was one tip he gave me- don’t be a plain jane on essays, they should really give us a piece of you and let us better understand you.

sorry for the ramble ahhh.

I was supposed to have my SPS interview Friday, buttttttt

it’s? scheduled? for 1;40 EST?

I live in texas yall thats 12;40 IM AT SCHOOL I CAN’T DO THAT.

I’m waiting for Susan to email me back but other than that I don’t think I have any for a week or two until my EXETER ONE! YEAH!


@Mercurrii sounds like it went well lol.
Are you not allowed to leave early for things like that? My school has a policy for 8th graders that lets us leave for things like shadow days and interviews.

Also susan is the whitest name I’ve ever heard, lol.

@TheHappinessFund I would if i could, but all my teachers are like ‘oh merc, why do you wanna go to boarding school? CR is perfectly fine’ and I don’t want to like make it a huge deal cuz what if I get rejected from every school lol

and plus, school is important my dude, there’s always A test SOMEWHERE in the building every day.

if we miss it we don’t get redos ahahah cries

@TheHappinessFund shhh,AOs stalk this forum, (probably), My dude.
L O O M I S C H A F F E E?

(hun I erased them from my list cuz I could never find a good time to call them. CST is amazing. I mean, I’m treating all schools equally but I wasn’t that interested in Loomis anyways.)

How many people have finished their interviews? If you haven’t what ones do you have left?

Also have you guys taken your SSAT?

@soo2024 yes, and I plan to by end of December if my interview dates change somehow, I cannot skip school.

I’ve taken my OCT SSAT and I’m taking the NOV and DEC one as well.

Um, what did y’all put for the ‘favorites’ essays? like do I have to explain it or?


what did you get?

I’m kind of disappointed in myself, man.
I got 2187…

I have a retest for November though so hopefully, it’s better

That’s higher than mine, lol, I got 2178. I’m assuming that means we’re both in the high 80th percentiles.
Or at least, you did great compared to me. So give yourself a pat on the back.

A l s o,
I just got Supplement part 2 from ABC, so it’s teacher rec time! ahhhhhh.
Also?? For the ABC app I have to submit a graded essay from English class, which is going to be a p r o b l e m. My ELA teacher’s not big on essay writing, so we’ve literally done one (1) essay this entire year. And that essay was about cats and dogs, not the most profound writing…
I think I’m going to ask her to assign us an essay just so I can submit one that actually demonstrates my writing skills. Hopefully she’ll do it, I really need it.

She’s hella chill though so I think it’ll be fine…
(Also, sorry for spamming you guys. I’m worked u p!)

@TheHappinessFund AHHHHH!
I yeehawed on my writing (701) which dragged it down. what was your failing point?

also for recs lemme just say…FELT THAT.

My ALG teacher hates me ahahhahh (has a 38 average)

My ELAR teacher tho, My best friend that got into Peddie (why I’m in this mess in the first place.) had her last year and that teacher is literally a grandma she is so nice oh my godddddd

hmm for the essay, I think I’m gonna put the one about my gender identity. (prompt was about struggles) or I could put my new essay we’re starting tomorrow about one right a teen should have…

DM me! haven’t heard back from you in a while!

I got 2277; It’s a high 90s! I’m super happy, hehe

@SolarJ ooooh congrats!! That’s one smart person right there