The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

update- I found the Gateway for Hill and I decided to apply there instead. I know it’s gonna be a lot harder but I don’t really want to use SAO for Hill because the prompts are just eh.

@RedLioness I only have to write seven essays so i’m going to bare with it

@soo2024 i’m applying to so many because my current situation is really bad and i literally NEED to get into a school.

Like without BS i don’t have anything

Please remember that most kids, hopefully you all, have a solid break over Christmas to write. This is what both my kids did in order to make school/sports a priority during school but still knock out killer essays. Don’t push yourselves to finish essays now and have them be less than your best. Give yourself that time over break and be really disciplined about writing and editing.

@TheHappinessFund i can relate! I live in FL where we wear flip flops and shorts year round.

i evaluated all my schools and decided what my first choice is! I wanna go SO bad and i’m gonna be crushed if i can’t go.

Just gonna chime in here as an Lville kid - Saturday was our Hill weekend, and all the kids who came from Hill (this year it was home) were wearing suits… Hill doesn’t have Saturday classes.

Lville’s dress code is better btw (see my last post). One thing I forgot to mention is you can literally wear any shoes (I often go to class in flip flops), as long as you aren’t barefoot.

@confusedaboutFA i ended up deciding to apply to Hill after i found out they were on SAO. The dress code kinda sucks, but i can sacrifice wearing my birks for an amazing education.

@ens2006 yeah, I agree with the sentiment that a great education is worth more than a dress code, but idk, I don’t think I could, lol///

Also, what’s your first choice? You didn’t say. (Unless you don’t wanna jinx it then shhhhhh.)

Hey guys I remember being like you last year and I know it’s a tough process. I’m Taft '23 now, so let me know if you have any questions about Taft or just the admissions process in general for all schools bc I’m here and I don’t want anyone to stress too much. Good luck everyone!

@lightningqueen12 i cut taft off my list cuz they never emailed back…

what schools did you apply to, did you think you were gonna get in?

I applied to Taft, Loomis, Choate, and Cheshire. I only had doubts about Choate, guess I was right bc I got waitlisted… I still had a pretty strong application but I’m happy where I am now.

[insert diss on Hill]

Jokes aside, they did beat us in debate…

@confusedaboutFA Ha-

let’s stop dissing tho cuz they’re both equally great schools! :smiley:

@TheHappinessFund kinda worried about jinxing it.

it’s the same school that’s ur first choice

@ens2006 ahhhhhh imagine if we got into the same school though, that’d be so crazy—

But ngl you have a m u c h better chance than me, honestly hoping that I’ll get into at least one lol

@TheHappinessFund Hun, no self d e pr e c a tion

we’re all gonna get into at least one stop panicking :0

I just submitted my Candidate Profile. I need to go on with the Payment part, but I’m thinking of asking for a fee waiver because our family’s in a tight spot right now… do you think this would affect my admissions decision?