The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

um okay-- btw, this is assuming i raise my math score up quite a bit
Loomis: reject probably for fin aid
Exeter: hard rejection/ if a miracle happens then waitlist???
SPS: reallyy not sure accept/reject/waitlist
Mercersburg: waitlist/rejection for fin aid
Peddie: waitlist/rejection for fin aid if i don’t get one of their scholarships
Taft: accept/waitlist
L’ville: reject/waitlist/accept???
Deerfield: accept/waitlist(hopefully, i like my essay a lot!!)
Hill: tbh rejection for fin aid
Hotchkiss: reject/waitlist/accept (i took a chance and made my essay sarcastic, but my supplementals are good imo)
CHOATE!!!: I’m hoping to receive a specific scholarship, but w/o fin aid/scholarship i would say accept/waitlist

@Mercurrii BE REALISTIC!!! You’re SSAT is literally above average for every school including frickin EXETER AND ANDOVER. i’m beyond jealous, i could never get such a good score.

stop worrying about your Ec’s like-- here’s MY prediction for you on M10

Every school: Accept/waitlist (:
There’s no way you’re gonna be getting rejections…

@Mercurrii MERC STOP OMG
also yah watch me get rejected from every school, ahahaha. Some of my schools (Culver, Putney, etc) have pretty high acceptance rates so idk---- hopefully I’ll get at least one school.

Yeah, the acceptance rates for CCers are much higher so that might be something you take into account. It’s probably just because of selective sharing, but I mean it’s something. I’m working on a large spreadsheet of all the acceptances, waitlists, and rejections of CCers since 2014 and I’ll share it when I’m done.

My skype interview’s in an hour and I’m like rocking on my chair because I’m so worried;
What if the interviewer doesn’t like me, what if he thinks I’m lame, or what if I freeze up on his questions and don’t know what to do?

Hey. You’re going to great, you awesome person!! If you freeze up, take a deep breath and act calm. Ask him if you can think about it and try to formulate an answer on the spot. Improvisation, you know? Good luck!!


I’m just curious, but you said you had to go all the way to Seoul to take the SSAT in the past, so what area in Korea do you live? I only know Daegu, Busan, Incheon and Jeju-do but yknow ahahaha

I live in Daejeon, which is a boring area smack dab in the middle.
The interview went pretty ok, but the interviewer looked like he couldn’t care less about what I was saying :frowning:
Maybe that’s just the way his voice sounds, but it always sounded monotone and judge-y about the things I was talking about haha

Or maybe I’m just worrying too much, who knows

My older daughter had an interview like that. I wouldn’t worry too much or read a whole lot into it. Apparently the interviewer said very positive things about her. Also, skype can make it tricky to read people.

@SolarJ random question but do you like kpop?

coming from an intense kpop fan herself

@lightningqueen12 (im a kpop fan even tho you werent asking me)

also @SolarJ my family met up with my dads college friend today and he said he lives in Daejon lmao wow what a coincidence

so off topic but i don’t care because kpop so blackpink and twice are my favorites

nicee whos your bias? i dont have one in blackpink and in twice dahyun and i mostly am into nct (as an idol group) and mamamoo/g-idle (for music)

i used to be super into kpop earlier this year but these days im more into krnb and k indie like dpr live, leebada, heize, woodz, dean, and oceanfromtheblue

omggggg i love dahyun she’s def my bias and in blackpink it’s lisa i guess i just like the rappers

also attempting to learn korean so i can become a kpop star i mean very unlikely but can’t hurt to try lol

ahahaha perks of being korean american im not fluent but at least i dont need end subs


Hey all I just got my PSAT 8/9 scores back. I was wondering if this would be useful for schools. I would put my scores under the additional information section, as I have to take the SSAT. I’m not sure if I should submit them because of my math score.

Overall: 98th percentile
Reading: 99th percentile (1 question wrong)
Writing and Language: 99th percentile ( 1 question wrong)
Math: 85th percentile( 8/13 correct on math without calculator; 17/25 correct on math with calculator)

I also received perfect scores on my sub scores for “words in context” and “standard english conventions”

yooo you did??? So good?? What a smart person omg.

Quick PSA. Also- don’t shoot the messenger.

I just completed my 8th BS alum interview ( for a BS in the Top 15 ) this week and I have three more scheduled for next week.

My husband has conducted 10 alum interviews in one week for a Top 5 BS, and he has another nine ( NINE!! ) next week - and it’s December!

Other BS alums in my family ( young and old ) have been called into service as well for many Top 35 BSs - including two very popular single sex schools.

FWIW- Alum interviews are usually done for two reasons : Logistics ( for the applicant- which can include financial consideration w/ regard to travel expense or just a simple convenience for busy working parents regardless of expense ) and overflow. Both our BS AO’s report a record shattering admissions cycle ( for all schools ) and we were called in ( along with many other alums at many different schools, I’m told ) to help manage record overflow.

In other words, all BSs are getting slammed and my understanding is the quality of the candidates ( overall ) is very, very good. Speaking only for myself - I’ve been VERY impressed with my crop this year so far , too - which hasn’t always been the case - and I’ve been doing this for many years!

I am not posting this to freak anyone out - even though I’m sure it will. I’m coming out of CC retirement ( briefly ) to encourage ALL applicants to reassess the number of schools they’re applying to and make adjustments ( if needed ) before app deadlines.

I’m also asking that you go over your current apply-to list today and give each school one last honest appraisal. You have the academic piece covered with all BSs, so now is a really good time for you to go back and check all the other ( hopefully ) fun and absolutely vital boxes - and listen to your gut!!

After all - you can have the best stats in the world , but you will not be successful or happy at a BS if you ignore what is left OUTSIDE the classroom and FIT - so please do your due diligence now.

One last thing- if you haven’t cast a wide net, I would suggest that you do so immediately. All the schools in the Top 35 are worthy of your attention, and will give you a world class education, and ALL are in the position to offer substantial FA. It’s also worth repeating that there are NO safety schools for anyone ( including legacies ) in the Top 35. None. Zip.

Thankfully, you still have time to consider more schools and submit more apps, if needed. Remember: Skype is your friend if you need placement next year and can’t schedule an on campus or alum interview for whatever reason.

If you DO have a viable school option at home, and you only have Top Ten schools on your list, by all means, disregard this post and roll the dice.

If you are a FP applicant and NEED a school for next year, you’ll be best served by applying to a minimum of ten schools. If you need any amount of FA, I would recommend 15 or more.

Also- make sure your application for each school makes sense to both you AND them. When you put an emphasis on FIT, personal growth and a mutually beneficial experience - you really can’t go wrong.

Good luck!

Here’s a good thread to read in case you have missed it: