The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

Hii all, I’m a newbie here haha, has anyone done Deerfield’s interview? Mine’s in January and I’m nervous because I dont know what to expect.

@mushpotato hey! i had my interview at a TSAO event in September. It was with Ms. Pitt(You’ll probably talk to her if you do a school tour). It was super chill. Pretty much they just want to know what your interests are, what you might want to try at DA, strengths/weaknesses, and what your current school is like. they’re not gonna throw you any questions that will stump you or mess you up. IMO you don’t need to prepare for the interview. I did mine after 5 interviews in a row with no prep and it went great. I’ve done all my interviews, and by far DA was the easiest and most fun interview.

@mushpotato really, don’t worry about it. i can almost guarantee it will be your best interview. they’re really friendly.

@Mercurrii Go ahead and send the November, without the December! The improvement in Verbal and Reading is not worth the Quantitative getting worse. (or send both, just don’t send the December alone)

@mushpotato I love Deerfield, such a lovely school. Relax, they’re super friendly, and at least IMO, give some of the chillest interviews of most schools in the Northeast. It’ll be great, prep or no (although I always recommend prepping for any interview like this is your first choice).

@ens2006 OH MY GOD I HAD MS. PITT TOO! Isn’t she just the sweetest? Definitely one of my favourite admissions staff to work with when I was making the rounds. She’s so sweet!

Hiiiiii everyone!
Im just gonna casually slide into this thread

@doodlebean8 oh hello fellow bean! I see you’ve come to our little dead thread! Welcome :3

@Mercurrii Yeah I think everyone is stressing about the fact that January 15 is right around the corner. lol.

wow the thread actually has stuff in it today? Surprises all around.
Quick, non-BS related question: Does anyone have science fair at their school? Ours is coming up and i, a self proclaimed humanities person, am not looking forward to it.

@TheHappinessFund I have never had a science fair, but one time in 5th grade, at my school, we had to do a science project where we tested some experiment we chose. I did one on a boiled egg in corn starch and vinegar and it was pretty fun. But weirdly my school doesn’t do science fairs. Maybe because it is a Private Catholic School. Idk.
Do you have any ideas for what you want to do?

@soo2024 yeah, radiant energy was what they were gon do but um maTH

@soo2024 & @Mercurrii
yah imma just do the thing with radiant energy. The math thing is just the stefan boltzmann equation but i thiNK i’ve got it down.
plus, calculators are super helpful.
tbh i should’ve tried harder on last year’s fair, I could’ve had an award to put on my app. too late now ig.

i go to a stem school and we dont do science fairs for some reason?

i thought science fairs were legit a thing they stopped doing and only heard about in books

yeah, I have only went to one school that did science fairs, and that was in second grade i think (and I’ve gone to A LOT of schools becuz of moving and stuff)

@doodlebean8 and @mondaydevil
Maybe science fairs have just become less popular. I always wondered why I never had one and I have been to quite a few schools.

The last science fair I did was in fifth grade where I grew crystals. Tbh I don’t remember most of it lol

huh, that’s interesting. I thought science fairs were super common for some reason?
I think we’re able to do one because there’s only one science teacher in the school, so he just coordinates the whole thing. Maybe it’s harder with multiple science teachers, because of scheduling issues and stuff.

Now that I think about it in 7th and 8th grade we have this science competition, but they give you projects and you choose one to do. There are two teachers that coordinate it as well. I don’t know how I forgot this. I did it last year and I am doing it this year as well.

Huh, that’s interesting. Someone should do an analysis of the rise and fall of science fairs.

(I actually wanna do that now lol)

Hello all, I am a current student at an acronym boarding school and would love to answer any of your questions about the application process, life at boarding school, etc. I know how tough and nerve-wracking this time can be!

@boarding101 Hi! How much free time do you have at boarding school and how do you spend it?