The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

@eekeek great question!
on weekdays, I typically do not have much free time. I have squash practice right after classes, then I eat dinner with friends, after which I normally have a music ensemble rehearsal/club meeting, and finally I return to my dorm for mandatory study hours.

weekends are a different story. I spend Friday night and Saturday hanging out with friends. We go out to shop in the nearby town, eat out in restaurants, watch movies, explore the public library, do our laundry, practice our instruments together (we are a musical group), and more. Sunday is spent doing homework for the upcoming week.

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@boarding101 Do you usually finish all of your assignments during study hours?

hello! I have a question as well:
Do you have many/any opportunities for EC’s outside of school? Are you able to travel off campus for things like internships, jobs, etc.?

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@mondaydevil yes, most people who focus during study hours can finish everything. the workload does increase in the older grades

@TheHappinessFund very few boarding students at my school have jobs because we are prohibited to own cars.

There are plenty of clubs that travel off campus for conferences and competitions. There are also research programs for science in which students work at a college lab over the summer.

Hi! At the beginning of the process, I was actually confident with my applications, but now I’m rethinking. In my interviews, I was asked what other schools I was applying to and answered honestly more or less (SEVEN SCHOOLS!) but now I’m regretting that decision. I also attended a school’s summer program twice (6th and 7th grade) and I feel like that makes me look as if I’ve already chosen which school I want to attend. However, other than that, I thought my interviews went well. The conversations seemed really easy-going, and the AOs seemed to genuinely like me. I’m good at essays and scored fairly well on SSATs. I’m also from the middle of nowhere, so my location is represented by on average less than five people at each school. Still, I’m nervous. BS is something I really want to do for highschool, and I’m sooooo nervous. Sorry, I just wanted to rant! March tenth seems so far away, but I can feel it creeping up on me. I’m so nervous!

aaaaaaaaah im so nervous too! sometimes i remember i have less than two weeks left to turn things in and i freak out

@ursulaisnotevil, my DC also attended a summer program of one of the schools he later applied to, something he mentioned as an experience during his interviews at some of the other BS he applied to. This had no effect on the outcome - he was accepted at other schools, but not the one where he attended the summer program.

Thanks so much for reassuring me! I was really worried, you’ve just made my day, thank you!

Wow I haven’t been on here for awhile!
It’s winter break in Korea at the moment and every day I just wake up feeling more desperate than yesterday. A week left!! (Currently January 8th in Korea)
My recommendations haven’t come in yet, I’m still working on my portfolio, my financial aid form is still missing some documents, I still have a short essay to finish, but I actually feel like I have a grip on this whole thing.
I hope everyone’s doing great, though.

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@SolarJ Glad to know you’re doing well! I have all of my essays written, but I just need to edit a few before submitting them. Honestly, I think I’m going a little crazy, especially with midterms around the corner. I can’t wait to relax and forget about boarding schools for a long time.

I’m applying for Choate and Andover 10th grade and I’m already sooooo nervous.

i saw your chance me and you seem pretty great! good luck!!

They weren’t kidding when they said that this thread is dead. But I wouldn’t be down about it! I’m pretty sure everyone will be pouring in right before the deadline and around March.

Good luck! I saw your chance me and I really want to wish you the best! I hope you get in!

hi @TheHappinessFund. We are in ABC also, but last years ’ cohort! Congrats to u! My son goes to Lville now. Who from there did u interview with if u remember? What r your top 3 schools?

Hey @Projects2Prep !
It’s great to be able to talk to someone who has experience with ABC too! I interviewed with Ms. Donaldson.
I’ll dm you, one sec–

yall im freaking out

t h r e e days left HELP

@mondaydevil I just submitted all of my stuff 30 minutes ago. What are you freaking out about?