The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

I was SOO nervous for the interview because I didn’t have any questions prepared. I came up with some, but by the end of the interview they didn’t seem relevant. I told them my interviewers my questions had been answered in other interviews (I did them at a TSAO Reception) and they were impressed and said clearly I had done a lot of research. Don’t worry about questions! I f you’ve actually done your research it shows.

I did do the interviews already, I did them at a TSAO Reception. You should be fine, I was so scared for the interviews and honestly don’t stress. They just wanted to get a feeling of you, and how you would fit into their community. As for the SSAT, I’m taking mine on October 19th as a test run, and the actual one on January 4th. Actually you responded to my thread “Studying for the 2020 SSAT”

Just don’t worry you’ll do fine. It’s really not as serious as everyone makes it seem on CC. I did minimal interview prep and all of them went well. I haven’t started SSAT prep yet because I don’t want to forget it all. Plus, I’m learning almost all of the SSAT math in Algebra l leading up to the SSAT so I can’t really practice what I don’t know.

I just sent 5 emails all scheduling for interviews ahhhhh I’m done.

Good Luck!

when testing and interviews are literally next to each other and the drive is 3 hours-

how relatable.

but really, be sure to schedule some time in between the two for two reasons - one, you need a ton of energy for interviews. You wouldn’t believe how exhausting interviews can be, but it’s really easy to burn out. I wouldn’t recommend more than two in a row. You also NEVER want to be late for your interview, so schedule it such that you have enough time to get there + an hour of buffer time that you can have in case something slows you down.

Yeah, @Mercurrii, I’ve also been super busy with things like scheduling interviews! Luckily, I’ve gotten the SSAT out of the way.
How do you guys think your Teacher Recs are going to go? I’m good with my english teacher and my counselor, but I’m little worried about my math teacher. (My forte is definitely not in math.)

Well, my friend applied to L’ville last year (which was what got me into BS) Unfortunately, She didn’t get in (she goes to Peddie now). But almost all of my teachers either had her or are my teachers that more grades from last years so my recs are pretty solid I’d say.

But I’m debating to 1- whether to send in my Art Portfolio and to who? and 2- Who to pick for my Personal Rec. My music teacher is really good, but since I’m submitting the art portfolio, my art teacher is also a prime choice. Then there’s my science teacher who also doubles as StuCo teacher and had me for two years ahhhhh

Also, theres Gateway which I DIDNT EVEN SIGN UP FOR. But I don’t want to write a five-paragraph essay on my favorites-I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT THEY ARE-

gateway is scary

@Mercurrii Jeez, the way you describe it, I’m so glad to not have to do Gateway.
Also, you’re debating submitting an art portfolio? I submitted one as well through the ABC common app. I’m hoping that my pieces will help me a little.
Are you also a visual arts person? What type of stuff is in your portfolio?

@TheHappinessFund I’m partaking in a high school art program at my school this year so yeah, I’m definitely a visual arts child! As for my portfolio RN, I have several still lifes (one with a skeleton and another with an apple) and some other paintings and such I did on my own. I did link my art Instagram on the SAO though…don’t know what the AOs think about that :confused:

Your portfolio is probably super good compared to mine, lol.

@TheHappinessFund HUNNY NOOOOOOO

Also, do you mind sending me some of your pieces? we can compare them and cry ah I’m bored


Yeah, totally! But only if I can see yours, lol.

I’m gonna resend some school’s interview requests,don’t know why they never responded :frowning:

@TheHappinessFund Sure dude!

Does being from Florida help your chances since it’s under represented?

Bruh Hotchkiss uses gateway too-

I mean, I think yes? but also? no? Like if they did a TSAO event and there were more than 100 people in your area then? I don’t think so?

texas be getting 300 people in one room- we over representin-

also can I add that everyone there was? asian?