The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

@Mercurrii 300??? There was SIX people at the TSAO event in Tampa. Wow, I just thought that TSAO events were unpopular

They did an event in northen Cali and it was mostly asian kids and the rich kids whose parents obviously forced them to come. @ens2006 I can’t believe that there were only 6 people, you’re so lucky! They probably remembered you better!
Did you guys do interviews with the AO’s before the event? I had Choate, Exeter, and the Hill.

@TheHappinessFund Yeah, I did interviews with Choate, Andover, Lville, Deerfield, Hotchkiss, and Loomis Chaffee.

@TheHappinessFund have you started your essays yet?

Yeah, I finished them actually, because they were due for me on October 1st.
I’m part of A Better Chance, so I had a different application and only two essays to write. ABC is also why I took the SSAT so early.
Have you started your essays yet? If you want, you could DM me and we could exchange essays!

Yeah, TSAO kind of depends. Don’t count on the amount of kids having gone being proportional to the amount of kids who apply from each state, though, because I’m fairly sure that Florida typically has more representation than Texas.

hey does anyone know what I should put for my “Positions held” for the school courses? I put Horizons/GT courses for my level of involvement but idk what to put for the other

@TheHappinessFund I haven’t started my essays yet, but I’ll let you know when I do

I don’t know what to put in “positions held” since there isn’t any real positions in my ec’s so I just leave it blank or put N/A

does anyone have tips on studying analogies for the ssat?

@ens2006 I’d say just learn your synonyms cuz they go hand in hand on my practice tests

Gateway is so exhausting like I don’t flippin know where my mum went to high school what she ate there and what clothes she bought like no.

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@ens2006 Also, just read a lot and take in media that typically uses more advanced vocabulary. (Like news podcasts or scientific magazines) I feel like gradually integrating words into your vocabulary is wayy easier than memorizing a crap-ton of words. Also, you’ll remember them better when you have context.

@ens2006, also, I think “positions held” is mostly for things like student council or leadership in things like sports and stuff.

What’s on Gateway? I’m not applying through there so I just wanted to know what types of questions are on there.

I really don’t know I needed to pay. feel like im just gonna not apply to the gateway schools tbh but I have to, ughhhhhhudfihsjkdnmd

@TheHappinessFund I have no clue what to read, any suggestions?

@Mercurrii ahhh I know, but Quizlet is killing me. Memorizing all these words is literal torture. I guess I’ll have to get over myself.

@ens2006 okay okay okay go read dune. out of all the words in my list, 50% was in there. also, it’s really fun to read and it won a lot of awards so that’s what I’m putting for my essays as well.

and I got an email? from quizlet? saying I studied 5k words? hvjcbkgyurefjh finna yeet

@Mercurrii thanks for the suggestion. But 5k??? How long have you bbe studying for. I literally took the day off after studying 40