The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

@TheHappinessFund I actually do go to a private school and honestly there are not many annoying nerds there. Everyone is pretty chill. Then again most of my friends are nerds lol.
What is it like in public school? Last time I was in public school I was in 5th grade.

i think we could also put the art nerds, humanities nerds, and the stem nerds?
similar to grade-obsessed, we have the tryhard nerd/ perfectionist nerds who dont nsccessarily care about grades but want to have all of their work perfect

I wouldn’t use my school as a reference point for other ones, lol, because we’re sPeciAl
(not really- it’s just that we’re chinese immersion so we hella asian. I feel like that kinda changes our culture. Also, we’ve known one another for basically a decade, so everyone is chill.)

Is applying to private ms anything like applying to high school? I’ve always assumed that it’s just based of whether your parents can pay the tuition.
My school is on the reserved side, compared to what I’ve heard about other schools. The administration takes our phones away during the day (it’s a poorly enforced policy, though. The “bad” kids that the rule is aimed to help use their phones anyways, and the “good” kids (who wouldn’t use their phones in the first place) put them up.

All around question to everyone: Are phones allowed at your schools?

Of course, you’ve got your select few students that get into trouble with the vapor sticks (I’m afraid to type the word bc nah man) and social media nonsense, but they’re not as common at my school. Plus, even the misbehaving kids are super nice to you if you’re generally friendly.
Do private school kids get in trouble with things like that?

Last thing:
I have heard from other kids in the school district that they barely get any homework? I looked at my friends required school planner and there was nothing in it. Kids at my school complain about the homework load tons, because we actually have homework in at least 4 classes daily.
What’s the hw situation like at private schools?

WOW - I’m offline for less than 48 hours and this thread blew up! OK, folks, calm down! I know it is January 14th today - and that means for many of you kids and parents on CC that you are probably freaking out. It will all be ok, I promise. Those of us on here who have walked your walk are now sending you love, support, and virtual hugs! Remember that just getting to this stage of applying to BS in your young lives is a huge accomplishment. Give yourself some applause and hold your head up high!

You have a long 6-7 weeks ahead of you…some of you will be applying to schools with Feb 1st deadlines. Be supportive of each other and (the good news) realize that some of the folks on this thread may become friends or classmates.

That’s super encouraging, thank you!

Honestly, I never thought I’d make it this far. The journey isn’t over yet, of course but really, I’m super proud of myself and my friends on this thread. So excited for M10 already!

i agree!!! yall are so cool. im going to make a huge masterlist full of information for future applicants soon, so be prepared for my load of questions on your experiences

Can’t believe the application closes tomorrow for most schools! Really nervous but also super excited, don’t know what to expect!

@TheHappinessFund My school is like pre-K to 12th and applying to MS was not that hard. You still had to take a test and write essays l, but everything was much easier. At private school you can also get FA.

Phones are not allowed out at any through 8th grade. But obviously some people break this rule. Once you get to high school you can have your phones out.

No one really gets in trouble much. Only if. They are caught on their phones or their kilt (we have a uniform) is too short. lol.

Homework can honestly change. Sometimes I’ll have quite a lot. Other times I will not have much hw. We also get quite a lot of tests and quizzes so you have to factor in studying. Right now we have ERB’s (which is some standardized testing thing we always have to take). Teachers do not give us much hw in ERB week.

I hope this answer your questions. lol.

I go to a public school in Alabama. People here talking about 10-15 students in their grade applying… I dont know if theirs 10-15 people in the whole state lol. Theres a c honor roll and our highest math is algebra 1 Oh and im the only asian/indian in the school.

I go to an all girls private school where everyone’s known each other since they were like 3 and so people like me who started going in middle school feel left out sometimes (it was mostly 6th grade when every talked about Christmas Pageant and stuff) but other than that most people here are pretty chill.

@Golfgr8 omg thank u. it means a lot that there are people going through and have gone through the same things as me.
I wish all of you the best of luck!

No one from the south?! * puts on my Texas cowboy hat and starts to yeehaw*

My school is like aHahahahH no phones but tbh I don’t really care? Like I just check my emails from schools in art anyways but eh

And my school lets out at 3 anyways so not a long wait

@Mercurrii 3? What the heck? my school ends at 4 and my bus drops me off at 5:40.

Hey! Just wondering something…
What if the current semester transcripts are not submitted yet? Everything else is done, but I have no control over that, we haven’t even had finals yet.
I emailed the schools I’m applying to and they said it was fine. Just checking here to make sure as well…

in same boat and all schools said NBD.

Oh and by the way – we are DONE!! phew! (not totally true – I have one more parent statement but not due until 2/1)

I think if anything missing school will contact you directly.

Hey y’all. Casually sliding into this thread…

I kinda want some advice on my essays tbh. I wrote a lot about my multi-cultural experiences and how living “in-between” two countries has impacted me. Do you think it would be better to write about how “passionate” (ugh I hate that word now) I am about my interests? Idk, I’ve heard a lot of advice about showing how much you love doing what you do (I’m a figure skater, so that’s my main thing ig).

What do you guys think?

I have a great recommendation from my coach that shows my love and dedication for skating, and my mom is writing some in her statements too. Do you think that’s good enough to show schools I’m not the type of person to do things for the sake of filling up my extracurricular list? I have nothing about my skating AT ALL in my essays, and I’m kinda regretting it…