The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

@idknanmolla_ @ens2006
Im from MA, which is sooooo overrepresented in private school apps. Theres probably 6-10? people from my school applying in 8th grade:( and theres another public school nearby that has even smarter kids in it, and a lot of them are applying
way. too. overrepresented.
I guess it’s nice to have people you know applying to relate too, but the competition kina sucks

aww that’s sad.

@doodlebean8 I kinda know what you mean about competition. My best friend is also applying, and I can’t wait until all of this is over. Then I can finally stop thinking about how she has a better chance and all that…

broooo apparently around 10-15 people from my school apply to private schools (im hoping most of them go to the local day school tho pls pls pls pls)

@idknanmolla_ I am from Maryland, which is not that represented I believe. It is probably because in the Maryland, D.C., and Virginia area, there are a lot of private schools.
There is one person in my grade (8th) who is applying, and she is one of my closer friends which is nice. Her brother went to Boarding School.

I wonder if there’s at least 10 students applying from Korea, lol

@SolarJ I feel like Korea is one of the top countries international students come from. Whenever I go on tours, I always see Korean names in yearbooks/other material they have lying around. I’m not sure if they’re international or not though.

ayyy cali gang
but no really, i guess we’re not as overrepresented as some east coast states, but man…

one of my closest friends is also applying to both Phillips and honestly, her EC’s are stronger IMO

@mondaydevil oooof
I know, like I want the people applying from my school to get in since they pretty much all my friends (my social circle consists of a bunch of nerds basically), but also not, since I wanna get in and idk idk idk help.

can’t they just accept everyone from my school???

do ao´s actually sit in their room and decide to reject kids because they´re from the same school as other applicants they want? or the same states even?

@doodlebean8 honestly i can relate. but i only know one close-ish friend who’s applying. the nerds at my school seem to be encouraged by tiger parents and only care about grades (from my persepctive)

another reason i dont want to stay at my school is bc the community is so toxic? i hate being surrounded by people who aren’t motivated to learn. i want to be surrounded by cool nerds, not grade-obsessed nerds

100000% agree.

wow, the east coast school vibe seems intenSE.
are you guys at public school? I am, and barely anyone here even considers private school, much less bs.
lol pretty much every adult reacts with some variation of “what’d you do wrong” when i tell them i wanna go to bs.

@mondaydevil i’m surprised that you’ve only got the grade obsessed nerd type. There aren’t many nerds here to begin with, but most I’ve come across (in my school at least) are hella cool.
then again, all the nerds i know play dnd with me so i might be a bit biased oop

@TheHappinessFund lmaoo i guess there’s a few more, but there are a few cool nerds, and they enjoy discussing the history of torture methods… so there’s that. i think it’s because i go to a charter school where many asian american families send their families before shipping them off to public school to stack aps and aim for ivy leagues.

@SolarJ what’s the school culture in korea like? from my parents, i’ve heard it’s really competetive, but i mean they lived there two decades ago so idrk how things may have changed

ALSO I SUBMITTED EVERYTHING!!! i feel like logging out to forget about this entire thing until march, but im not sure yet. i have fomo lol

!!! AaaAaAaA I just submitted everything and I’m waiting for a few recommendations to come in!1!!1!!!

@mondaydevil Lol we have a few people like that at my school. They’re pretty chill and debate about Alexander the Great and other big history legends that I don’t know much about. The rest of us renegade and hop around the hallways hehe

@TheHappinessFund I go to a private school but the east coast private school vibe does seem pretty intense. From what people have said though, it’s not too bad.

I’m from a pretty underrepresented area and it seems great, but none of my friends really understand my :sparkles:sTreSs​:sparkles:. Literally no one knows about the schools except for one Andrew Yang stan lol. I just tell them it’s basically a college application but four years early and they somewhat understand.

@mondaydevil ok wait I just saw ur thing about grade obsessed nerds and cool nerds. I feel the exact same way omg! Everyone’s like I stUdy 40 HOuRs a daY, mY pErcenTagE iS 0.76% beTter thAn yours! And then I pull up Khan Academy or something else pretty nerdy. Then they’re kind of like oop! that’s kinda weird. bye!

@eekeek @mondaydevil yo that’s so interesting!
I know 1 (one) grade obsessed nerd at my school (weird how we’re creating new sub-genres of nerd here) and she is, to put it lightly, not super fun to be around.
tbh i’m still hella bitter over that time she deducted points off my canto homework becaUSE I WROTE MY ENGLISH NAME INSTEAD OF MY CHINESE ONE.

also, another fun cultural difference: if you try to compare scores here ppl will come for you for being a tryhard. It’s nice, actually; prevents people from being doofs about test scores.

Also, in our cool nerds category I have found three main (and often overlapping) interests, which are:
a)Politics nerds (me oof)
b)dnd nerds (also me?)
c)Communism (high key, i have friends that call ppl comrade. They’re not actual communists, just obsessed with the history.)

forgive me for spamming you all, it’s midnight here and I’m having fun “writing” my science paper.