The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

Thanks for the info. We don’t have an email yet or access to the Veracross portal. I tried to reset the password, but it says it doesn’t recognize any of the email addresses I tried. Guess we will have to be patient on this one… ?‍♀️

@ttK5050 I never put it together that your pick is for luck1 Thank you for inspiring us with luckiness vibes!!

Got waitlisted Tabor. :frowning: Not expecting that as thought good match.

Accepted from Westtown and George school (and earlier Williston) !!

Has anyone received any notifications (emails, FedEx, UPS) from Choate or Hotchkiss yet?

@ mbox2006 Cate sends an email. Just came out. My student got waitlisted ? Best to you!!!

Just got accepted into Taft!! Hope everyone’s day goes well!!

Got acceptance from Cranbrook!!! Good luck everyone!!!

@MentorBee so sorry about Cate waitlist. Are you waiting for other results? Some her are saying they think maybe this year there might be more movement on waitlists? Wishing that for you.

Yes, we’re waiting on other schools too for a decision but I had thought Cate was our best shot as she attended camp there last summer and we’ve had conversations throughout the application process. You just don’t know ??‍♀️

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Waitlisted from Taft like the clown I am ? eh it doesn’t matter too much it’s just a safety whoop

@Liz2021 and @cniewinski Congrats!

Congrats to everyone!!! AAAAA I’m literally staying up until 1 am for decisions (I probably got into none haha)

@LeeLeeB @cniewinski @Liz2021 congratulations on your acceptances! Fingers crossed for more to come!

@MentorBee @Mercurrii good luck you two with finding placements! There are still a whole 24 hours of M10 to go! Remember to check the Wait List thread, pinned at the top of Prep School Admissions, for info! PhotoMom and ChoatieMom have some great info for waitlists there, although due to coronavrius normal rules may/may not apply (I would plan as if they did, just in case)!

@Mercurrii Don’t say that, keep your head up! I’ve had the pleasure of reading some of your chance me threads, and you look like a strong applicant. This is just one bump in a road of many acceptances (did that analogy work?) I doubt I’m gonna get in to any of the schools I applied to, but it’s just the positive headset that’s gonna get me through it. And even then, a waitlist isn’t horrible!

If I get accepted to PEA with FA I’m going to break down crying from happiness… AAaaAa only hours till results… Good luck everyone…!!

@Chan2006 Same here! Hopefully we both get in.

i am so nervous that im gonna get waitlisted again like i did last year :frowning:

I checked the Cate portal around 8:30 and it was the same application info. At 9:02pm PST, my son got an acceptance letter from Cate via email and the info is showing on the portal! Yes!!! He was accepted into Villanova Prep with a 4 year scholarship on Friday. Just waiting on Thacher. I’m sure all parents here are just so proud of their kids. What a lucky problem to stress about tonight! Best wishes everyone!

Congrats @socalmom101!

@avilynnnn I highly doubt it! Good Luck :smiley: