The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

@Calliemomofgirls thanks … will do

Best of luck everyone! I hope decisions turn out the way you all dream!

@CavsFan2003 thank you! Good luck to everyone as well! I seriously can’t wait and I’m hoping for the best!!

Ahhh it’s almost m10!

good luck to all!!!

Good luck to all!!!

Thank you to every single one of you on here!

Parents: your advice was invaluable. Fellow applicants: you’ve been so supportive, good luck!

You all are literally awesome! No matter what goes down tomorrow, we’ve done it!!

@Calliemomofgirls … I am so excited, is a yes from Kent!

1 more minute!!!

1 minute and counting …

MARCH 10!!

That moment when you’re on the West Coast… LOL! Good luck again to all!

Happy New Year?? Happy March 10th!?:heart:??

Thanks to all for sharing so much wisdom during this process! When we started this journey, we were clueless and your insightful posts helped us immensely!

Separately, does anyone have the link for the Cate portal? I somehow cannot find the information to log on… ?

@ttK5050 Lollll, good luck to you too!!

I think I’m gonna call it a night, I still actually have to do my algebra homework?. I’ve been so obsessed reading previous threads that I totally forgot about it. I’ll totally be back here in the morning and later in the afternoon to share all the news. I’m serious when I say it: you guys are all truly wonderful people who I wish the best for in life. Never forget how valuable and special you guys are. Goodnight and most of all, goodluck!!!

Taft is out … its a waitlist hmmm!

Good luck everyone out there !
Just think what is good for you will find you ?

@amumof2 Don’t worry - there are many more decisions to come! Good luck!!!

Cate emailed us right at midnight eastern

Signing off for the night, if you need luck, just stare at my profile picture ?. You can do this!!!

@ttK5050 yes you are right… thanks for the kind words.