The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

@SolarJ @RedLioness ahhhhhh tyyy! I feel so much better now. :slight_smile: I wrote like 2-4 sentences each for the Peddie supplement form tho. is that like…enough?

Also, some people have mentioned since I’m bi and agender, that could help me in terms of admissions because the schools want “more diversity in the student body”.
is that true? because I might highkey use that for my event that changed your life essay or something.

I already mentioned it as part of my interview tbh like I don’t know if thats a valid hook or not.

“Some people” are wrong. It won’t hurt you but will also not help you. Almost every boarding school is well-represented (or over-represented) with LGBTQIA students.

@Mercurrii the lgbtq are less underrepresented than you think.

in fact, they’re very well represented here at Exeter.

I was actually told by some people that I shouldn’t mention things like being LGBTQ, because you never know who’ll feel “uncomfortable.” I’m pretty sure that most of the schools are pretty liberal though, so I’m unsure.

Also, when I had my Exeter interview off-campus, the AO (Bill Leahy) asked me a question. Pretty standard in an interview, obviously, but he said he’d “never asked a question like that before.” I had been talking about my passion for politics and social service, and he asked me something related to that/ my stance on DC’s bipartisanship.
Is that a common question? I’m unsure if he was asking that to look for a red flag or if that’s a question they ask to many kids interested in politics?

Once again, “some people” are wrong. That said, I don’t think it’s something that needs to be forced into a conversation.

He’s making conversation, trying to find out what makes you you. There is no hidden agenda and he’s not trying to trip you up.

@Mercurrii so are you just walking into interviews and being like “ah yes, i am lgbtq+” How do you say that without it being awkward?

I don’t feel like it would help because most people don’t tell the schools they’re sexual orientation before or after applications.

I’m bi but I feel like the schools would just be like “k cool” so i didn’t mention anything.

@RedLioness a big issue i have with analogies and verbal in general is that i literally don’t know what any of the words are. even when i do i still get the questions wrong.

i’m assuming your already in school since you have some pretty good knowledge about the SSAT.

if you don’t mind telling me, where’d you end up going?

@ThatHappinessFund don’t worry about it, it’s probably nothing

@ens2006 ah. I see. personally, I’m quite a speaker, so I had a wide vocabulary going in. my advice for that goes back to
and yes, I am! I’m at Exeter.

@RedLioness omg omg! Exeter, that’s so cool.

Why do you think you got in?

I would love to go to Exeter because I’m STEM oriented and I want to go into the scientific/medical field as an adult.

Although it isn’t my top choice because i’ve already prepared myself for rejection and i don’t want to get hyped about going to a school that i’m not good enough to get into.

@skieurope @TheHappinessFund @ens2006 oh okay welp, thank you. I’ll note that.

How many schools are you guys applying to? I have 10 schools I’m interested in but I’m cutting it down to 6,

@Mercurrii which ones?

@RedLioness What do you feel about Test Innovator’s practice tests comparing to the real tests you did? harder or easier? Thanks!

When we applied all the schools we applied to listed their essay questions on their website so you can start your essays before completing section 1.

Schools do not care about your sexual orientation. Would it be odd for a straight kid to walk into an interview and announce that? Yes. Same with however you identify. At both my kids’ schools there is more than enough variety, no school needs to go looking for it.

@one1ofeach I think they changed it. I’ve tried to find the essay topics on their websites and it says they’re on Gateway. I can’t get access to it until after P1 is completed, but I’m submitting it tomorrow so it’s fine.

@ens2006 I’m not sure, really. there’s a combination of everything that went into my application… I don’t think I’ll ever know for definite. it definitely helps that nothing in my process went “bad” or “wrong”, so maybe a lot of hard work and a dash of luck? that’s what I chalk it up to (on the rare moments when I’m not doubting if they sent the acceptance package to the correct student)

@Nicole2018 Test Innovators was definitely a tad harder than the real thing. my scores from test innovators to the actual thing went up 10 percentiles.not that I’m encouraging taking it easy with your test innovators scores, but don’t let it scare you!