The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

@RedLioness That’s a relieve! My daughter will be glad to hear that, thanks for letting me know!

I’m applying to only 4 schools. I thought I should apply to more, but really, I can’t handle it. I think many can relate, but when you’re writing essays, it feels like the more you edit it, the more ‘your voice’ doesn’t come through. I’m trying my best to show just me, but it’s pretty hard.

It is especially important to not allow adults to over-write your essays in the name of editing. I know several kids whose parents were heavily involved in editing their essays and the essays didn’t sound like they came from kids by the end. Most AOs will say they can tell when essays were written by parents vs kids.


So you know how some school has those “what are your favorites?” questions?
so my mom wants me to write some famous movies and novels and stuff so I “have a better chance of getting into schools” but like…That’s not me, y’ know? like I get where she’s coming from. But I want to put MY favorites. not just something they expect to hear. but IDK, I’m kinda torn rn. can anyone give some advice?

They really want to hear what you like, not what you think they want you to say. I can’t tell you enough how much AOs just want to have “real” conversations with you being yourself.

It’s fine to look at lists of questions and think about them because it may help you clarify what matters to you. But it needs to be spontaneous, not a recitation.

You sound like an interesting person, @Mercurrii. Let them see that!

@gardenstategal ahhhhh okay, thanks a lot dude!

Reading through the M10 2019 thread, I’m pretty pumped to see everybody just swarm in around january-march.

@SolarJ hah, and then the OGs will just be standing here, lol.

oh my frickfjkgjjgjdd. The essay prompts gotta be so difficult. And none of them are similar, so i got 12 essays to write in 3 months. funnn :)))))))))))))))


also, I’m? so? sick? like literally my head is so groggy not good no Bueno. right before the ssat too…

(P.S. dude you never DMed me back…)

aight so im gonna have to get rid of like half the schools i’m applying to because this is tooo much.

Just wanted to vent bc i know everyone on cc cares so much about my life because it’s so fantastically interesting.

@Mercurrii i thought u were taking it in december??

ok ok so sorry for the spam, but i need to cut like 5 or 6 schools and i kinda just wanna go for it and get rid of all my safety schools (theres only like 3) because i dont even want to go to them. If i cut them i’ll just go all out on my other apps


@ens2006 don’t apply to a school you wouldn’t be overjoyed to go to. You’re wasting energy. Safeties are very important if you want to definitely go to BS in the fall, but you also have to pick safeties you actually like. The school will pick you out with your interview and you will not get in. Plus, it’s really not worth the stress of applying if you won’t be happy with where you’re headed in the fall. This application process is a wringer, and you don’t need that extra stress in your life.

@ens2006 just take a safety school i’d say, but make sure you actually love that school, and use one of the SAO schools if you can so you don’t have to like,write 50 essays ahdjjn

I can relate; as I said, I was originally applying to 7 schools, but after thinking everything through, 4 was the ones I truly loved and found opportunity in! I’m about 50% done with my essays and the only problems are the SSAT, recommendation letters (It’s going to be test season soon, so the timing will be hard), and interview. I’m super excited for the interview, though! I just hope I don’t fall so hard, ?

not here to derail the convo, just dropping in :)) i got into deerfield last year and am currently attending, post if you have questions about literally anything. good luck to this year’s applicants, ya’ll are gonna do great!

Christmas break is a good time to write essays if you are a kid who can be self disciplined. My kids both wrote all their essays then because there simply was not time before that. DO NOT RUSH through the application because you feel the need to be done early. There is no benefit.

Half way through your essays? Wow! Impressive! We haven’t even started over here. We’ve barely even settled on the list of schools. We just did our visits which completely changed our expected list of favorites.

@Calliemomofgirls good idea! I visited after applying, which ended up being such a pain as my list of schools drastically shifted (then again, if I had visited beforehand, I might’ve dropped the school I’m at now!)