The Official M10 2020 Freakout Thread

@iusedtobesmart ayyyy welcome to the club

Do they send an email?

@Sleepingatlast Idk about abdover, but exetet does

No but the decision is viewable (from their portal)

@mondaydevil @Sleepingatlast

Thanks, guys you don’t know how much that helped me.

The reason I’m really stressed is bc for some reason the whole school assumes that I’m 100% going to boarding school. Someone heard me ask the teachers for recommendations and she was like “Chandra is going to America… let’s say our goodbyes now” to everyone in the class. I said multiple times that it’s very competitive and I might not get in but everyone thinks its the last year together…

And if I don’t get accepted to any boarding schools and need to attend the same public school next year, I don’t know how to tell my friends and teachers bc they already assume I’m going…

When are Phillips Exeter Academy decisions coming out?


Not sure but I heard it’s 8 am Exeter time.

@Chan2006 Thanks

Rejected from Andover, Deerfield, and Cate. My daughter isn’t disappointed though because we still have acceptance to Kent, and three schools left! Congratulations to everyone who was accepted, and I wish other people luck with the rest of their decisions and waitlists!

@Chan2006 I know what you mean. I go to a private school and all my friends (except the one who is also applying) don’t understand that these schools are really hard to get into.

DD was waitlisted at Deerfield and Taft. Waiting on 3 more…

To all those with ‘Accepted’ CONGRATULATIONS!!

To all those with ‘denied/waitlist’… it’s not over yet keep your chin up and stay positive!

@Chan2006 aww, that’s a tough situation. Your friends and classmates love you for you. You will pull through this. Do you have more decisions to wait for? stay strong!

@Chan2006 DD classmates say the same thing to her i.e. ‘don’t worry you are so smart you will get in everywhere’ they just do not realize how competitive these schools are.

It takes a special kid to go through this application process and all deserve huge cudoes for submitting a completed application(s)

Yes, I have around 5 left. I appreciate the encouragement!

You don’t owe anyone at school a report on your decisions. You can let tell them that in the end you decided you didn’t want to leave, that your parents said no when it came down to it or anything else you want.
Applying to schools is such a personal moment. You put yourself out there and took a chance. No matter what the other decisions turn out to be be proud of that. Some people are too afraid to take that risk.
I hope you get some good news from the remaining schools. Keeping fingers and toes crossed. ?

Yes, a lot of private schools, especially the more well-known ones, are hard to get into. Good luck and I wish you nothing but the best!

Milton at 7 Milton at 7 ahhhh

14% acceptance rate though…

Rejected from Andover…


Good luck!!!